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Masson Hall (1897-)



  • Usage: 1897


Masson Hall was opened free of debt, with accomodation for fiteen residents in 1897 by the Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women to ensure the continued success of higher education for women at the University of Edinburgh. The original building sat at No. 31 George Square, and was purchased for £2500, with additions to follow. The Hall was intended primarly for students of the Arts, though students from the Faculty of Sicence, Medicine, Music and Dentistry also resided. A chief feature was the library, known as the Pfeiffer Room, named for its donor. The site at George Square was taken over in 1964 for redevelopment; Masson Hall was relocated to South Lauder Road where it remained until 1994. There is still in existence a Masson House at Pollock Halls.

Masson Hall, Retrospect and Forecast, 1931
"Masson Hall Of Residence - Our History", Ourhistory.Is.Ed.Ac.Uk, 2018> [Accessed 9 November 2018]