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Notebook No.3, 1826- 1826

 Item — Box: Lyell-temp-box 1
Identifier: Coll-203/A1/3

Scope and Contents

This notebook is written primarily in ink. Subjects include scholarship and university arrangements in other nations, religion, and notes on recent geological discoveries. on page 121 there is a list of ch[apters], indexed as 'essays' indicating Lyell's notes on his proposed book. Three pages are missing.

The following table of contents is Lyell's own words, copied from Lyell's own "Index", found at the beginning and end of the notebook, transcribed from digital surrogates using the platform Transkribus. When known, Lyell's abbreviations and contractions have been expanded using brackets []. When writing is unclear, and transcription is not possible, this is denoted using [...]. Quotation marks are Lyell's own notation for ditto, as is the abbreviation "d'o". The inclusion of [sic] indicates the misspelling of a word is deliberate and taken from the notebook.

Lyell's Own Index

p. 6, Editors of Westminster Rev[ie]w
p. 20, British colonies under different law
p. 22, Sir M. Hale on study of civil law
p. 23, Marcus Curtius volcano
p. 23, Sir M. Hale
p. 23, D[itt]o on effects of the deluge
p. 24, Burnet on Paradise before deluge
p. 24, Spontaneous generation of insects [et cetera]
p. 25, Cambridge professors
p. 35, Petrifying spring chara[cteristics]
p. 36, Prelectores [sic] before mount[ain] of Ranting
p. 37, Plas Newydd dike like Angus trap
p. 38, Origin of granite. Henslow
p. 38, Test oath at Cambridge
p. 41, Admission to degree of B.A. in name of Trinity
p. 41, Protestant foundations of Coll[ege]s at Cambridge
p. 41, Mathematicals acts at Colleges at Cambridge
p. 41, Few hours compulsory lectures at Colleges at Cambridge
p. 42, Age of graduating 22
p. 42, Quaterly [sic] exam[ination]s at Cambridge private
p. 42, Prizes in colleges excite emulation
p. 43, Conception of Deity. Burnet’s Rochester
p. 43, Belief not voluntary d[itt]o bis.
p. 43, X[Chris]tian’s live as if they believed not
p. 44, Rochester’s conversion due to illness
p. 44, Dissection of human bodies
p. 46, Toads experiment on burying them
p. 47, Bower on Laws Educ[ation] at Edinb[ur]g[h]
Break in index
p. 64, Scotch professors
p. 64, Anatomy prof[essors] Camb[ridge] why clinical
p. 65-66, Surgeons 6 y[ea]rs apprenticeship
p. 65, Dr. W. Hunter teacher of Anat[om]y
p. 65, Act to make surgeons of county hospitals [...] fellows of Coll[ege]
p. 65, Clerical lectures without schism
p. 66, Brand’s attack on Oxf[or]d answ[ere]d
p. 66, German Edr’s Parson Elmesly [et cetera]
p. 66, Number of physicians [et cetera]
p. 67, M.D. taken at 25 in Scot[lan]d?
p. 67, Oxf[or]d physician get degree in 10 y[ea]rs
p. 68, Legendum Blumenbach transl[ate]d
p. 68, St Andrews new medical regul[ation]s
p. 68, Surgery prof[esso]rs
p. 69, Fries sublime [and] subtle
p. 70, Tropical climate genus Lyticus
p. 70-71, Insects a few named by Vigors
p. 72, Queries as to Professors
p. 72, Attornies Stat. dispensing Articles [et cetera]
p. 73, Private teachers repetenten
p. 73, Attornies [sic] number and increase
p. 74, Professors, [and] terms for degree Cambridge
p. 75, Profess[iona]l course Dublin in Medicine
p. 75, Private tutor[s] d[itt]o
p. 75, Scriptural Geol[og]y Courier human bones
p. 77, German Theolog[ica]l faculties
p. 77, Lectures of members of R. A. in Prussia
p. 78, Bacon on “Death”
p. 78, Bacon on prof[essiona]l learning
p. 80, Bacon on paying prof[essor]s for life
p. 81, Lewes levels once the sea
p. 82, Privatin docentes in Germany
p. 82, Privatin docentes pay of [and] hard work
p. 83, Hydraulic Ram.
p. 83, Glasgow members Edinb[ur]g[h]
p. 85, Written letter Att[ornies] in rank]
p. 85, Their libr[ar]y fee 200 [guineas]
p. 85, Gain of Sea on our coast Trevelyan
p. 86, Gain of sea in Cornwall [and] Scandinavia
p. 86, Storm of Nov[ember] 1824 in Devon and Denmark
p. 86, Ice floats holders [et cetera]
p. 88, Change of fossil species Kirkby
p. 88, Storm of Nov[embe]r 1824 effect of on Hurst shingle
p. 89, Tides rise of on S[outh] Coast
p. 89, Herculaneum Dr. Clarke on
p. 89, Hurst Castle shingle beach
p. 90, Map of coast of Ha[mpshire]
p. 91, Geology of coast e[ast] of Westover
p. 92, Hurst – shingle crut'd
p. 93, Waste of coast
p. 94, Waste land springs do not cause
p. 95, Hurst Castle - Geol[og]y
p. 97, Waste of cliffs
p. 98, Shingle bank Hurst Castle
p. 99, Wood’s perspective
p. 99, Earthquake in Chile, from Head.
p. 102, Storm of Nov[ember] 1824 Portsmouth [and] Chiswell
p. 103, Distances deceive in mount[ain] [country] - Head
p. 103, Lithographic press
p. 104, Diluvium stratified
p. 104, Dorchester pavement stone
p. 105, Diluvium over chalk at D[itt]o
p. 105, Diluvium at Exeter by river
p. 106, Heavitree trap [and] conglom[erate]
p. 107, New red Exeter
p. 108, Maps Silverton traps [et cetera]
p. 108, I[sle] of Wight / Edred’s charter / joined to Ha[mpshire]
p. 110, Piles petrified
p. 111, Gain of sea in wales
p. 111, Name of I[sle] of Wight [vexta]
p. 111, I[sle] of Purbeck
p. 111, Romney [et cetera] [and] words in eye islands of Saxons
p. 112, Diss[...] [and] inclin[ation] diff[...]
p. 112, Amazon [et cetera] fresh[water] ocean how far
p. 112, Legendum Parkinson’s book
p. 112, Thuringia (Mansfield) slate
p. 112, Sheppey beds freshwater?
p. 112, Indigestible fossils
p. 113, Volcanic Erup[tio]n] in Hawaii
p. 113, Number of Conveyances [et cetera]
p. 113, Forensic questions
p. 114, Govern[men]t placement in Germ[an]y. Univ[ersit]y-bred
p. 114, Crystals by compression
p. 115, Univ[ersitie]s divid[ed] into separate colleges
p. 116, Piles of Lond[o]n bridge after 6. centuries
p. 117, Glass of Romans contain[e]d no lead
p. 117, Insects and snails transport[e]d in wood
p. 118, Dikes of new [red?] Porph[yr]y, Devon
p. 118, Human bones
[p. 132 or Unpaginated?] Recent volcan[oe]s on side of Etna see p. 132
p. 119, Legendum Hoff on volc[anoe]s
p. 119, Monte [...] elevated
p. 119, Salt in tertiary strata
p. 119, Unconformability of strata
p. 119, Earthquake of Lisbon smoked
p. 120, Tides in Hoogley, Ganges rise [...]
p. 120, Yellow sea filling up sea Hall
p. 120, Legend[u]m Voltaire’s Essai [et cetera]
p. 120, Legend[u]m Bradone’s Sicily
p. 120, Tides
p. 121, Plan of Essays [in Notebook these are prefaced 'ch']
p. 121, Alternation of marine [and] freshw[ate]r
p. 122, Fisherton Anger section[s?] [and] bones
p. 125, Age of mountain chains
p. 125, Fisherton Anger and Sarum pits [et cetera]
p. 126, Phryganea Kirkby [sic] [and] Curtis
p. 129, Fisherton Anger bones
p. 131, Relaxing insects. damp day requir[ed]
p. 131, Lake Michigan [and] Superior


  • Creation: 1826- 1826


Historical context

This notebook was kept by Lyell concurrently to Notebook No. 2. During this time, he balances his work on the Western Circuit as an advocate with his private geological study, and begins to plan a book expounding his belief that geology would only become scientific, if it were based on directly witnessable modern causes. He is elected Fellow of the Royal Society in February of 1827, and reads two papers at the Geological Society on Tertiary exposures of the Hampshire Coast. He publishes an essay in Quarterly Review on the Geological Society's publications, praising the society for abandoning speculative theorizing in favour of careful observation. Lyell’s parents return to live permanently at Kinnordy (August).


138 folios

69 Leaves

1 volume

Archivist's Note

Created by Elise Ramsay, Project Archivist, Nicky Monroe, Cataloguing Volunteer 2020 Reviewed by Elise Ramsay, Project Archivist, April 2021

Repository Details

Part of the University of Edinburgh Library Heritage Collections Repository

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