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Notebook No.77, 24 June 1839-11 August 1839

 Item — Box: Lyell-temp-box 3
Identifier: Coll-203/A1/77

Scope and Contents

This dark maroon coloured leather notebook includes Charles Lyell's notes and geological observations and sketches in pencil. There are some specimen lists and queries, notes on fossil shells of Tertiary period. There are many blank pages. Index is located in the front and back inside covers.

The following table of contents is Lyell's own words, copied from Lyell's own "Index", found at the beginning and end of the notebook, transcribed from digital surrogates using the platform Transkribus. When known, Lyell's abbreviations and contractions have been expanded using brackets []. When writing is unclear, and transcription is not possible, this is denoted using [...]. Quotation marks are Lyell's own notation for ditto, as is the abbreviation "d'o". The inclusion of [sic] indicates the misspelling of a word is deliberate and taken from the notebook.

Lyell's Own Index

Index. [p. 113]
from June 24 to Aug[us]t 11 1839.
Norfolk tour.
p. 1, Weybourne Crag shells -
p. 2, 3, [Weybourne Crag] sections near,
p. 5, [Weybourne] Mem[orandum] of route,
p. 6, Narford pit,
p. 8, [Narford] fossils, collectors of,
p. 10, East Winch section,
p. 10, West Bilney D'o [Ditto]
p. 10, - [West Bilney] fossil wood,
p. 12, Cromer chalk, Rose on,
p. 12, [Cromer] Nar, valley of the,
p. 12, Rose on Chalk of Cromer,
p. 14, - [Rose] on Bustards in Norfolk,
p. 15, 22, Eaton,
p. 15, 16, 17, 22 to 29, 30, 32, to 38, 83, [Eaton] Sand-pipes,
p. 18, [Eaton] Cement for fossils,
p. 18, [Eaton] Diss, crag at,
p. 18, Witlingham, deer fossil at,
p. 20, 22, Thorpe, section at
p. 30, - [Thorpe] large flint at,
p. 20, Postwick, section,
p. 30, [Postwick] Flint, large mass of,
p. 38, Norwich to Ipswich,
p. 38, Ipswich, sand-pipes,
p. 40, 44, Bawdsea cliff, sect[io]n
p. 40, Alderton cliffs wasting,
p. 42, -, [Alderton] shift in strata at,
p. 46, Newbourn, Ramsholt, [and] Bawdsea cliffs,
p. 50, [Newbourn, Ramsholt, [and] Bawdsea] section at,
p. 54, [Newbourn, Ramsholt, [and] Bawdsea] fossil vertebrata,
p. 48, Kingston, sect[io]n at,
p. 54, [Kingston] fossils from,
p. 52, Edwards's pit,
p. 54, 56, Colchester, M[ountain], fossil vertebrata from,
p. 59, Norwich Crag papers, to whom given,
p. 60 to 67, Sismonda's list of Superga fossils
p. 68 [Sismonda] mem[orandum] for,
p. 70 -73, Sowerby, list of Bord[eau]x [and] Dax shells selected to compare with recent,
p. 81, [Sowerby] on fauna of Medit[atio]n[s]
p. 81, [Sowerby] on D'o [fauna] of Superga,
p. 101, [Sowerby] mem[orandum] for,
p. 80, 84, 108, Darwin, mem[orandum] for,

[inside back cover] Index, p. 113,
p. 8, Brown, T. -
p. 15, Ewing, Mr. -
p. 8, Image, - Rev[...]d
p. 86, Layton, Rev[...]d J.
p. 89, Millar, H. -
p. 69, Pamplin -
p. 56, Pawsey [...] C [...].
p. 7, Rose, C.B.

[inside cover]
July 5.7 -25. Aug[ust] 7 -
Note Book 77
p. 22, Thorpe
p. 20, Norwich
p. 20, Postwick
p. 40, 44, Bawdsea
p. 46, Ramsholt
p. 87, Fleming, Dr., notes from, on recent Scotch shells, Clash-binnie fish, Mortar [et cetera]
p. 92, [Fleming] on shells swallowed by fish (Arca nucleus)
p. 92, [Fleming] on shells thrown on beach by storm


  • Creation: 24 June 1839-11 August 1839


Language of Materials



117 folios

58 Leaves

1 volume