Notebook No.99, April 1842- May 1842
Scope and Contents
This red leather notebook with green edged pages contains Charles Lyell's diverse notes from his travels through New England - Baltimore - Harpers Ferry - Cumberland Gap. Notes are in pencil and ink and are daily journal entries, lists, small and large sketches, and observations. The index is located at the back of the notebook.
The following table of contents is Lyell's own words, copied from Lyell's own "Index", found at the beginning and end of the notebook, transcribed from digital surrogates using the platform Transkribus. When known, Lyell's abbreviations and contractions have been expanded using brackets []. When writing is unclear, and transcription is not possible, this is denoted using [...]. Quotation marks are Lyell's own notation for ditto, as is the abbreviation "d'o". The inclusion of [sic] indicates the misspelling of a word is deliberate and taken from the notebook.
N[umber] 99. Index. April, May, 1842.
p. 1 to 26, Martha's Vineyard
p. 26, - [Martha's Vineyard] shells on shore at,
p. 1, Mud sediment
p. 7, Boulder formation
p. 10, 28, Conglomerate
p. 12, Devils Den
p. 14, Folded beds
p. 14, Trend of the coast
p. 16, Peaty swamp surrounded by boulders
p. 16, Gay Head
p. 18, Indian Shell heaps
p. 18, Inclination of Beach
p. 18, Birds tracks on D'o [Ditto]
p. 18, 22, Chilmark, osseous breccia
p. 22, Boulders, Holmes' Hole
p. 18, 22, Osseous Breccia
p. 22, Submarine forest,
p. 22, Holmes Hole, boulders at,
p. 22, - [Holmes Hole] submarine forest
p. 24, - [Holmes Hole] slope of beach at,
p. 24, - [Holmes Hole] ripple at right angles to line of beach,
p. 24, New Bedford, mica-schist [and] granite
p. 26, Attleborough [sic], ice-drift furrows
p. 30, Foxboro' [sic], white granite
p. 32 to 34, 62, 64, 67, Tour, plan of,
p. 27, 130, Cumberland, coal Mines of,
p. 28, 106, - [Cumberland] coal plants
p. 108, 114, - [Cumberland] coal-measures, general sect[ion]s of,
p. 104, - [Cumberland] to Frostburg, section from,
p. 28, 106, Coal-plants
p. 126, -, [Coal-plants] upright, in Coal-grit
p. 30, - [Coal-plants] strata, found no shells in
p. 27, 104, 118, 130, - [Coal-plants] of Cumberland [and] Frostburg,
p. 36, Connecticut valley, age of red sandst[one] of,
p. 36, 38, - [Connecticut valley] fossil foot - prints of
p. 44, Icebergs, rocks carried by
p. 44, - [Icebergs] stranding of, S[outh] of the Gulf stream
p. 46, - [Icebergs] in the Pacific
p. 26, Ice-drift furrows on polished red sandstone
p. 36, Red Sandst[one] of Connecticut, age of,
p. 36, 38, Ornithicnites
p. 20, 47, 54, 78, 98, 132, Journal,
p. 49, Quiney, joints in granite,
p. 49, Colman, Mr., mem[orandum] of letter from,
p. 48, 50, Principles of Geology - Amer[ica]n Ed[itio]n,
p. 57, Beaumont, E[lie] de, on Osars [and] Erratics
p. 52, Staten Island [and] N[ew] Jersey alluvial tract on both sides of passage between,
p. 56, Coupar, H., list of fossil animals sent to Dr. Harlan by
p. 58, - [Coupar, H.] Georgian fossils from,
p. 58, Indian be [be is crossed out] corn in bed 4 f[ee]t from surface
p. 66, Human bones fossil in Brazil
p. 68, Rain drops 1 1/2 inch diam[ete]r
p. 70, - [Rain drops] with cracks in red clay
p. 68, Baltimore, marks of large rain drops
p. 72, - [Baltimore] iron-sand formation
p. 72, - [Baltimore] ripple-mark on beach
p. 74, - [Baltimore] no fossils seen at,
p. 74, - [Baltimore] to Frederic [sic]
p. 82, - [Baltimore] country between Frederic [sic] [and], as contrasted with New England
p. 70, Federal Hill, iron ore [and] sand format[io]n
p. 70, 72, Cracks in Clay [and] rain drops
p. 74, Patapsco, dip of schists [et cetera]
p. 74, 76, 80, Frederic [sic], dip of beds at,
p. 80, - [Frederic] [sic], to Harper's ferry, section
p. 82, - [Frederic] [sic] country between Baltimore [and] compared to New England
p. 80, Harper's ferry, section at,
p. 82, - [Harper's ferry] Gap, sketch of,
p. 84, Brash, covering hills in Potomac
p. 86, Appalachians, absence of lakes in,
p. 82, New England, country between Baltimore [and] Frederic [sic] compared with,
p. 86, - [New England] ponds numerous in drift of,
p. 86, Sharpsberg, sect[io]n of hills
p. 86, Ponds numerous in Drift of N[ew] England
p. 86, Keedysville limestone
p. 86, Boonsburg [sic], greenstone
p. 88, Mohawk limestone
p. 90, Rogers's Classific[atio]n of N[ew] York district
p. 92, Hagerton limestone
p. 92, - [Hagerton] to Clearspring absence of drift
p. 92, Conococheague, R[iver], slate rocks on,
p. 86, Drift, numerous ponds in,
p. 92, - [Drift] wanting near Clearspring
p. 120, - [Drift] absence of near Frostburg
p. 126, - [Drift] [and] boulders on M[oun]t Savage
p. 92, Clearspring, absence of drift at,
p. 94, - [Clearspring] section at,
p. 92, Fair View Inn, sandstone
p. 94, Indian Spring to Hagerton
p. 96, Sideling Hill, section
p. 96, Darwin's theory, query if applicable to Appalachians
p. 100, Piney Plains, sect[io]n of sandst[one] [and] shale
p. 100, Prattsville section
p. 102, Town Creek' D'o [Ditto]
p. 102, Polish Mount[ai]n
p. 102, Flintstone Creek section
p. 104, Frostburg to Cumberland, section
p. 116, - [Frostburg] section at
p. 120, - [Frostburg] absence of erratics
p. 123, - [Frostburg] absence of faults in Coal mines though bends numerous
p. 124, - [Frostburg] angular boulders
p. 124, - [Frostburg] height above Cumberland
p. 128, - [Frostburg] section from to Braddock's Grave
p. 124, 125, - [Frostburg] denudation of district round,
p. 106, 110, 112, Jennings' Run, coal strata with fossils,
p. 112, - [Jennings' Run] cliffs of Millstone Grit on,
p. 110, Quartzose grit, large outstanding knobs of,
p. 118, Devils Slide
p. 118, Eckhart Coal Mine, sect[io]n of great seam
p. 120, 122, 126, Green, Capt[ain] on Frostburg district,
p. 120, Horizontal Coal Mine
p. 125, Ridge with horizontal coal bed
p. 126, M[oun]t Savage, angular boulders on,
p. 128, - [Mount Savage] section of,
p. 126, Wild, Mr., on upright coal-plant
p. 130, Cross-stratification in Millstone grit,
p. 127, Laurel or Chesnut Hills
p. 131, [Laurel or Chesnut Hills] new from
p. 132, 134, Union, College Hill, section of Coal-strata
p. 136, - [Union, College Hill] section at Springer's Mine
p. 138, 140, Brownsville, coal strata
p. 142, - [Brownsville] distance from to Pittsburg
p. 144, 146, Monongahala [sic], R[iver], mews on,
p. 148, - [Monongahala [sic] River] section on left bank of,
p. 148, Pittsburg, section at
p. 149, - [Pittsburg] silt found in digging wells [et cetera]
p. 120, Coal-mine, horizontal
p. 118, - [Coal-mine] of Eckhart
p. 136, Springer's Mine, section at,
p. 116, Buonaparte
p. 44, Bigelow, Dr.
p. 120, Cowan
p. 35, Fowler
p. 116, Green
p. 140, Hall, Dr.,
p. 29, McIlvaine
p. 32, Perkins
p. 56, Harlan
p. 116, Stoeleton
p. 50, Taylor
p. 116, Wade, Major
- Creation: April 1842- May 1842
Language of Materials
157 folios
78 Leaves
1 volume
Archivist's Note
Transcribed by Erin McRae, volunteer; catalogued by Elise Ramsay, Project Archivist, July 2021
- Bigelow, Jacob, 1787 - 1879 (American physician. botanist and botanical illustrator) (Person)
- Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809-1882 (Naturalist) (Person)
- Rogers, Henry Darwin, 1808-1866 (American geologist | Professor of Natural History and Geology, University of Glasgow) (Person)
- Elie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce, 1798-1874 (French geologist) (Person)
- Hall, James (Sir James Hall of Dunglass), 1761-1832 (Scottish geologist and geophysicist | 4th Baronet) (Person)
- Harlan, Richard, 1796-1843 (American naturalist, zoologist) (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the University of Edinburgh Library Heritage Collections Repository
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