Notebook No.125, 4 November 1845 - 3 December 1845
Scope and Contents
This notebook contains a record of the Lyell’s stay in Boston from 4th November to 3rd December 1845. The notes are comprised of discussions about politics and religion, supplemented by commentary about social life, in New England and the United States more broadly, plus field notes and observations about geology and natural history, encompassing descriptions and sketches of regions in anticipation of future field excursions (the Claiborne Formation). Charles visits notable sites in Boston and the surrounding area, including the Salem Museum [Courthouse] and the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Lyells departed from Boston via railway, heading south (on to New York City and further southward), on the 3rd December. Notes are in ink and pencil and include field sketches. The index is located in the back of the notebook on pages 113-115, plus six unnumbered pages at the end.
Lyell uses his Scientific Notebooks to gather evidence, based on both his own observation, by reviewing other people's works, by correspondence, asking questions and analyses. The language used in this index is historical, can be discriminatory and may cause offence.
The following table of contents is Lyell's own words, copied from Lyell's own "Index", found at the end of the notebook, transcribed from digital surrogates using the platform Transkribus. When known, Lyell's abbreviations and contractions have been expanded using brackets [ ]. Abbreviations in standard use, such as two letter abbreviations for United States place names, have not been expanded. When writing is unclear, and transcription is not possible, this is denoted using [...]. Quotation marks are Lyell's own notation for ditto, as is the abbreviation "do". The inclusion of [sic] indicates the misspelling of a word is deliberate and taken from the notebook. There are numerous margin notations in this index. X is used to mark a pencil cross made at certain entries. It is not clear if this notation is written contemporaneously or later. At times Lyell has included dates (inner left margin) and these have been inserted at the beginning of the appropriate section.
p. 1 Furness preaching ag[ainst]. slavery, Phil[adelphia].
p. 1 Parker (in his book) gives spurious texts
p. 3 “May the wants of other nation increase” –
p. 3 University V[irginia]. 50 expelled
p. 3 “Are you going across Sir”
p. 3 X Puritan Sunday Ev[enin]g cheerful not gay
p. 3 X Invitations to lecture
p. 4 X Prescotts Mexico ₤ 650 English Ed[ition].
p. 4 X Education of the people religious tolerat[ion]
p. 5 & 2 Times on Straleski [sic Strzelecki], on natives dying out [‘2 &’ interlined at end of line]
p. 5 & 8 X “States” for U[nited]. States – q[uer]y vulgar [‘8 &’ added at end of line]
p. 5 & 6 Copyright, Dewey cheaper in Engl[and]. [‘6 &’ added at end of line]
p. 6 X Joint stock companies why democratic
p. 6 X Unitarians influence of in England
p. 6 X Lowell Factories no manufact[urin]g popul[ar].
p. 7-8 Geology not feared in N[ew]. Engl[and]. as N.Y. etc. [‘8 –’ interlined at end of line]
p. 8 Going back & forward, Puseyites.
p. 8 Economists, N. Appleton, errors, wages
p. 9 X Corporations - Joint stock, shares small
[p. 9] X Lowell, rules at
p. 9 West Indies - English holding N[ew]. Orleans
p. 10 Forster [sic Foster] of Zanesville
p. 10 Whales Jaw
p. 11 Elephant in drift Forster [sic Foster] (Ohio) on
[Note: This individual is correctly identified ‘Foster’ multiple times in notebook (see pp. 10 & 11.]
p. 12 X Women jostled by railway to Salem -
p. 12 X Rotation of offices – Gen[eral] Jackson
Nov[ember]. 6th
[p. 12] X Hay in piles in marshes waiting for ice [‘ice’ interlined]
p. 12 X Aquatic excursion on railway “on board
[p. 12] English politics talked
p. 14 X Salem Museum - rudder of Bounty
p. 14 X Witches room where burnt -
p. 14 X Navigators beyond C[ape]. of G[ood]. Hope Museum
p. 14 X Conway tortoise Emys picta.
p. 14 X Sea-serpent, shoal of porpoises.
[Note: This commentary is on p. 15 (bottom) in the notebook.]
p. 15 X Relics of Mayflower w[ould]. freight man-of war [‘war’ interlined]
p. 15 X Early captains’ - mast cut shorter
p. 16 X Endercotts [sic Endecott’s] Sundial Salem
p. 16 X Javanese cariacatures [sic caricatures] of Dutch
p. 16 X Paper money shells in Museum
p. 17 X Witches, Salem, warrants, pins -needle.
p. 17 X - [Witches] superstit[ion] healing (Sir J. Boileau)
p. 17 Fires incendiaries, lucifer matches.
p. 18 Salem – Elms, architecture of Churches
p. 18 X - [Salem] views, railway, geology.
p. 19 X Black men in railway car. conversat[ion].
p. 20 X Salem coloured & white taught together.
p. 20 X Educ[ation]. of col[ured]. people at Boston separate
p. 21 X Coloured people - intelligence
p. 21 X Churches at Salem – 1st. Unitarian
p. 22 X K[entucky] blacks patriotism.
p. 22 Slave paying master when runnaway [sic runaway]
p. 22 X D. Webster’s speech - George N. Briggs
p. 22 X - [D. Webster’s speech] ag[ainst]. Texas annex[ation]. why slavery
p. 24 X Abolitionist leaders often dishonest
p. 24 Florida like Texas had laws ag[ainst]. emancip[ation].
p. 24 X Abolitionists fear of bands southerners
[p. 24] South w[ould]. join northern Whig, Winthrop
p. 24, 25 X Caucus - opposite party there by courtesy [‘courtesy’ interlined]
p. 25 X Abolitionists – ag[ainst]. Texas for dissolut[ion]. of union. [‘union.’ interlined]
p. 25 Free trade McIlvaine Union of Oregon
Nov[ember]. 8[th]
p. 25 X Service in Th[omas] Parker’s chapel
[p. 26] X - [Service] Sermon in favour of service.
p. 27 Steamboats & railroads, influence of
[Note: This commentary is at the bottom of p. 26 in the notebook.]
p. 27 Romanists - object to Protest[ant]. histories
p. 27 Sectarian schools B[isho]p of N[ew]. Jersey.
p. 27 “Polished corners of the Temple”
p. 27 Oregon may be brought near by rail
p. 27 X Funerals more moderate in U.S.
p. 28 X Bunker Hill Monument
p. 28 X Caucus D. Webster Texas, Oregon.
p. 28 X Slavery - laws ag[ainst]. by constitution
[p. 28] Zeuglodon, Mastodon -
p. 29 Mastodon recently alive!
p. 29 Going west, a Boston belle baking
p. 29 X Sects & toleration - lending churches
p. 29 Fires at N. Y. diminishing, Cogswell
p. 30 X Native Americans – convicts voting
p. 30 Gannet [sic Gannett] popular Unitar[ian] preacher
p. 30 Missouri steamer, Sir R. Wilson.
p. 31 X Parker congregat[ion]. – hired room.
p. 31 Repudiation, P[ennsylvania] McIlvaine on
p. 31 - [Repudiation, P[ennsylvania]] Germans not so much to blame
[p. 31] D. Webster on free trade
p. 32 Zeuglodon from N[ew]. Jersey??
p. 32 X Laura Bridgeman [sic Bridgman] – blind people
p. 32 X Laura Bridgeman [sic Bridgman], grieved at wars
p. 32 X Children learn much at play.
p. 32 X Horse, has many legs.
p. 33 Geology learnt even by hasty view
p. 33 X Blind Asylum – Geogr[aphy] lesson
p. 34 X Laura knows ladies – Age guessed by blind [‘blind’ interlined]
p. 35 Free trade, McIlvaine, party notices
p. 35 - [Free trade] Annexat[ion]. favours it. L[ouisiana].
p. 37 X Evening parties Bost[on]. & Phil[adelphia]. 9 & 10 c[loc]k [‘c[loc]k’ interlined]
p. 38 Claiborne Section, Koch,
p. 39-40, 42 - [Claiborne] Clarkesville, St. Stevens [’42 interlined, 39’ added at end of line]
p. 44 Free trade in N[ew]. Eng[and] like abolit[ion]. In S[outh].
p. 44 Evangelical Episcopalian
p. 44 Painting Allston [2nd ‘l’ of ‘Allston’ added-written in]
p. 44 X Blind. Dr. Howe. judging by the hand
p. 45 X Nantucket Soundings
p. 45 X Term “spry” quick.
p. 45 German in P[ennsylvania]. not speculators
p. 46 Oregon & California McIlvaine v. D. Webster [-‘ster’ interlined]
[p. 46] Clerks none in Episcopal church
[p. 46] X Twilight use of in N[ew]. Engl[and]. Hale
p. 47 Progress - poor in Europe stationary
p. 47 Whigs in En[land]. & N[ew]. Engl[and]. similar
[p. 47] [‘Slavery’ deleted in pencil] in U.S. Swearing [‘Swearing’ added in pencil, replacing ‘Slavery’]
[p. 47] X Free schools – thought [’thought’ interlined] good tho’ gratis
p. 48 Dr. Jackson v. Gesner. N[ova]. Scotia.
p. 48 X Gallatin on Indian corn civilizing
p. 48 X - [Gallatin] [Mexican] astronomy
p. 48 Dutch “deformed church’
[p. 49] L[ord] Brougham on W. Irving Columbus
p. 49 N.Y. high church party, Cogswell
p. 49 X Dana y[ea]r before mast. lawyer
p. 50 X Judge Storey [sic Story]
p. 50 Zeuglodon Koch. fossils with
p. 52 Koch. rays spine Tombegby [sic Tombigbee River?] fossils
p. 52, 54 & 56 Eocene fossils Al[abama]. Koch. [‘56. 54 &’ added at end of line]
p. 56 Romanism- Cogswell, B[isho]p. claiming church
p. 56 - [Romanism] in Cincinnati. pew holders
p. 57 Romanist colleges stricter discipline.
p. 58 X Iceberg seen, Nov. 1. lat. 43-
p. 58 X Millerites in Philad[elphia].
p. 58 X Theatre in - [Philad[elphia].] Saints ag[ainst]. it – Kean
p. 58 X Laura Bridgman aged 16 - [‘8’ overwritten from ‘9’?]
p. 58 X Eclipse [2nd ‘c’ deleted] of moon, burnt umber col[oured].
p. 59, 62 Western people why thought rude Baldock [‘(62 and’ interlined at end of line]
p. 59 War panic. Ch. Kean -
p. 59 X Church moved across Parish.
p. 59 Puseyism Episcopal service, causes the system to be less stereotyped
p. 60 X Illustrat[ions]. in Lowell Instit[ute]. list of.
p. 61 X Cross over altar in Unit[arian]. church
p. 61 Servants in U.S. wanting character of boss.
p. 61 - [Servants] midway betw[een] English serv[ant] & South slave
p. 61 Puseyite church. daily service. Apost[olic]. Success[ion].
p. 61 Romanist pew-holders shutting up church.
p. 62 & 59 Baldock on backwoods, [? concern] ’59 &’ added at end of line]
p. 62 X Moving churches, steeple chases-
p. 63 Philanthropy & Vanity & weak judgem[ent].
p. 63 Sabbath Boston lecture with music
p. 63 X "Much exercize [sic exercise] with soul trouble”,
p. 63 X War - Western must have brush with Engl[and].
p. 63 X - [War] feeling of duellist.
p. 64 Trilobite, 20 inch. long. Anthony
p. 64 X Eyes weak in N[ew]. Engl[and]. small print? coal?
p. 65 Prince Sanders [sic Saunders] – Prescott.
p. 65 - [Prince Sanders [sic Saunders]] could not learn latin.
p. 66 Architecture - Art. on, of Boston
p. 66 Buffalo parties (men)
p. 66 X School[s ?] in Boston - Grays Elegy
p. 68 X - [School in Boston] Salaries of Masters
p. 68 X - [School in Boston] dress, not teased – Punishments
p. 69 Irish hating blacks,
p. 69 Loafer, sometimes in good sense.
p. 69 X Wealth prejudice ag[ainst]. [‘Bo’ (beginning of Boston?) deleted] Wadsworth [‘Wadsworth’ interlined] N.Y.
p. 69 X Politics ag[ainst]. select[ion]. of one’s Society
p. 70, 72 X Climate illustration for lecture [’72 -’ added at end of line]
p. 74 Ohio terraces, Forster [sic Foster] on, not marine
p. 74 - [Ohio terraces] similar in G[reat] Lakes.
p. 74 Threw propeller. Col. Perkins.
p. 74 X School, Grammar Boston w[ith] Ticknor
p. 74 X - [School] Catholics educat[ed] with Protestants
p. 74 X - [School] Girls more refined than boys
p. 75 X - [School] Education of Catholics
p. 76 X Schools primary female teacher
p. 76 X - [Schools] Lay managers chiefly
p. 76 X - [Schools] A Universalist claims to be a master
p. 76 X - [Schools] clergy interference checked
[p. 76] X Unitarians ‘liberal Christians’
p. 77 X - [Unitarians] not questioning divisibility of Godhead
p. 77 X Payment of clergy object[ion] to “forced”
[p. 77] Catholics have given trouble in schools at Lowell
p. 78 X Unitarians manage schools because sects less jealous of them -
p. 78 X Ronge's creed like theirs.
p. 78 X Democracy not envious of the rich
p. 78 X Women not employed in out-door work
p. 78 X Unitarian have built Romanist school [‘ool’ rewritten over illegible letters]
p. 79 X Landed property governs in N[ew]. Engl[and].
p. 79 Dowse's library. leather dresser.
p. 79 X Illustrations. bill for Lowell Institute
p. 80 X Riches. some rich men in Maine Legislat[ure].
p. 80 X Primogeniture. misunderstood in N[ew]. Engl[and].
p. 81 X Pleasure of owning land in New & Old -
p. 81 Willis pencillings on the way -
p. 81 Shyness & mauvaise honte in England
p. 82 - [Shyness] way less in U.S.
p. 82 X Exercise for health less in U.S. because of long winter indoor habits -
p. 83 X Terms “I guess -” Chaucer
p. 83 X - [Terms] Bonny clapper etc.
[p. 83] X Democracy, growing feeling of
[p. 83] Repudiat[?ed] law in N.Y. ag[ainst]. borrowing
p. 84 X Millerites, Faber or prophecy
p. 84 & 85 Mormons, why mischievous [‘85 &’ added at end of line]
p. 84 X Education funds
p. 85 X - [Education funds] District libraries Massachus[etts].
p. 85 X Millerite Tabernacle
p. 86 X - [Millerite Tabernacle] heard Ch. & Mrs Kean in
p. 86 X Theatricals not encouraged here
p. 86 Democracy, sympathy of Elector & Elected
p. 87 X Hamlet Ghost with creaky boots.
p. 87 X Millerites. excitement on “last day”
p. 88 X Illustrat[ions]. Lowell Inst[itute]. cost of
p. 89 Indian sending a representative
p. 89 X Corporation & Associa[tions]. spirit of in U.S.
p. 89 X - [Corporation] payment & responsibilities of shares
p. 90 X Bankruptcies in Mass[achusetts]. Mr. Gray
p. 90 “The Society where we worship”-
p. 90 Beds slept in by genteel peoples
[p. 90] X Sea-serpent.
p. 91 X Thanksgiving day, spread of to S[outh].
p. 91 X Money & marriages – superiority of N[ew]. E[ngland].
[p. 91] X - [Money & marriages] our novels disgust N[ew]. Englanders
p. 92 Iceberg. Hays of Portsmouth.
p. 94 X Unitarian sermon. martyrs-
p. 94 X Scepticism- Gibbon’s [sic Gibbons’] statues Ho[use]. of Lords
[p. 94] X Dinner long, extra course -
[p. 94] X Statues Ho[use]. of Lords - Richardson & not Pope!!
p. 95 X Walhalla of Bavaria exclusion of all
p. 95 X English Protestants-
p. 95, 97 “Reclamations” of H.D. Rogers in Lyell’s Travels
p. 97 X Sects more harmonious in New Engl[and]. now & less controversy, not in old
p. 97 X - [Sects] number of says Miss Edgworth [sic Edgeworth] a good sign
p. 97 X Magnetism, Puseyism, Jesuitism & Newspapers
p. 99 X Texas annexation Miss Edgworth [sic Edgeworth] on
p. 101 X Burke on weathercock of popularity
p. 101, 102 X Geol[ogical] specimens price of [‘102 and’ added at end of line]
p. 101 X Dr Howe & Laura Bridgman
p. 102 X Carmylie fish Pterygotus anglicus.
p. 103 Iceberg seen by Capt[ain]. Hewitt
p. 104 Shells of Glacial beds, (Mrs Allen) Gould)
p. 105 [Shells] Gould’s, Dr list of names
p. 107 Tidal wave in L[ake]. Ontario.[Note: This observation is recounted on p. 106 in the notebook.]
p. 106 X Sea-serpent, Scoliophus atlanticus.
[p. 106] Unio. in Mississ[ippi] lagoons.
p. 107 Daniel Webster Subscription for -
p. 107 X Sea-serpent, Mr Binnie [sic Dr. Binney].
p. 107 X Victoria much spoken of in Boston
p. 108 State of Union, separate nations Calqhoun [sic Calhoun]
p. 108 X Mayflower Govern[or]. Carvers table
p. 108 X - [Mayflower] doubts as to genuineness of relics
p. 108 X Relics in Histor[ical]. Soc[iety]’s museum
p. 110 X - [Relics] of Mayflower doubts of Savage
Dec[ember] 3rd
p. 111 Antiquities in Museum
p. 111 X Railway Boston to Springfield – Snow
p. 111 X Stove in railway car - clothes scorched
[p. 112] Divorced man W. P. [William Prescott]
p. 112 Free – trade, Polks tariff for revenue
p. 112 X Winter scene on Connecticut – ice
- Creation: 4 November 1845 - 3 December 1845
Language of Materials
121 folios
60 Leaves
1 volume
- Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809-1882 (Naturalist) (Person)
- Furness, William Henry, 1827-1867 (American clergyman, theologian, Transcendentalist, abolitionist, and reformer) (Person)
- Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859 (American historian and Hispanist) (Person)
- Dewey, Orville, 1794-1882 (American Unitarian minister) (Person)
- Strzelecki, Count Paul Edmund, 1797-1879 (Polish nobleman and geologist) (Person)
- Appleton, Nathan, 1779 - 1861 (American merchant and politician) (Person)
- Foster, J. W. (John Wells), 1815-1873 ( American geologist and archaeologist) (Person)
- Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 (7th President of the United States) (Person)
- Endecott, John (also spelled Endicott), c.1600 - 1665 (Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony) (Person)
- Boileau, Jacques, 1635-1716 (French clergyman and writer ) (Person)
- Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860 (American transcendentalist and reforming minister of the Unitarian church) (Person)
- Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 (Lawyer and Statesman) (Person)
- Briggs, George Nixon, 1796 - 1861 (American lawyer and politician ) (Person)
- Wilson, Robert Thomas, General Sir, 1777 - 1849 (British general and politician) (Person)
- Gannett, Ezra Stiles, 1801-1871 (American Unitarian minister and editor) (Person)
- Bridgman, Laura Dewey Lynn, 1829-1889 (American sign language communicator) (Person)
- Koch, Albert C., 1804 - 1867 (German/American naturalist, showman, and entrepreneur) (Person)
- Allston, Washington, 1779-1843 (American painter and poet) (Person)
- Stuart , Gilbert, 1755-1828 (American painter) (Person)
- Gesner, Abraham Pineo, 1797 - 1864 (Canadian physician and geologist) (Person)
- Jackson, Charles Thomas, 1805-1880 (American physician and scientist) (Person)
- Gallatin, Albert, 1761-1849 ( Genevan–American politician, diplomat, ethnologist and linguist.) (Person)
- Brougham, Henry Peter, 1778-1868 (1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, Lord Chancellor) (Person)
- Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 (American short-story writer, historian, and diplomat) (Person)
- Dana, Richard Henry, 1787-1879 (American lawyer, politician and writer) (Person)
- Story, Joseph, 1779-1845 (Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States) (Person)
- Kean, Charles, 1811-1868 (British actor) (Person)
- Baldock, Edward Holmes, 1812 - 1875 (British Conservative politician) (Person)
- Saunders, Prince, 1775 - 1839 (African American teacher, scholar, diplomat and writer) (Person)
- Gray, Thomas, 1716-1771 (English poet, writer, scholar) (Person)
- Ronge, Johannes, 1813-1887 (Prussian priest, founder of New Catholics) (Person)
- Nathaniel Parker, Willis, 1806-1867 (American author, poet and editor) (Person)
- Chaucer, Geoffrey, c.1340s - 1400 (English poet, author, and civil servant) (Person)
- Gibbons, Grinling, 1648 - 1721 (Anglo-Dutch sculptor ) (Person)
- Edgeworth, Maria, 1768-1849 (Anglo-Irish writer) (Person)
- Howe, Samuel Gridley, 1801-1876 (philanthropist) (Person)
- Binney, Amos, 1803-1847 (American physician and malacologist) (Person)
- Calhoun, John Caldwell, 1782-1850 ( American statesman, seventh vice president of the United States) (Person)
- Carver, John, 1576-1621 (Governor of state of Massachusetts and Pilgrim) (Person)
- Savage, James, 1784-1873 (American banker and author) (Person)
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