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Notebook No.131, 20 January 1846 - 28 January 1846

 Item — Box: Lyell-temp-box 5
Identifier: Coll-203/A1/131

Scope and Contents

This notebook contains Charles Lyell’s notes from January 17 1846 to January 28 1846 while in the United States as part of the Lyells second trip. It contains notes from travels through Milledgeville (Georgia), Macon (Georgia), Columbus (Georgia), Chehaw (Georgia), and Montgomery (Alabama). The Lyells then board the steamer Amaranth from Montgomery, traveling to Mobile (Alabama). The index is located in the back of the notebook on pages 113-120. Notes are in pencil and ink and include field sketches. Much of the content of this Notebook is used by Lyell in his book 'A Second Visit to the United States of North America' published 1849.

Content warning:

Lyell uses his Scientific Notebooks to gather evidence, based on both his own observation, by reviewing other people's works, by correspondence, asking questions and analyses. The language used in this index is historical, can be discriminatory and may cause offence.

Transcription note:

The following table of contents is Lyell's own words, copied from Lyell's own "Index", found at the end of the notebook, transcribed from digital surrogates using the platform Transkribus. When known, Lyell's abbreviations and contractions have been expanded using brackets [ ]. When writing is unclear, and transcription is not possible, this is denoted using [...]. The inclusion of [sic] indicates the misspelling of a word is deliberate and taken from the notebook. There are numerous margin notations in this index. X is used to mark a pencil cross made at certain entries. It is not clear if this notation is written contemporaneously or later. A few crosses are accompanied with a ‘?’ or a capital letter G. A date noted in the left margin has been inserted at the beginning of the appropriate section.

Lyell's own index

Jan[uary] 17th 1846
p. 1 Milledgeville 577 f[eet] above the sea - Cotting
p. 1 - [Milledgeville] no cliff at falls
p. 1 Long leaved pine replaced by P. canad[ensis] on granite [‘ite’ interlined]
p. 1 X Clay produced by decomposition of granite
p. 5 X Ravine drawing of near Milledgeville
p. 5 X - [Ravine] 55 f[eet] deep 100 f[eet] wide length
p. 6 X - [Ravine] began to form 20 y[ea]rs ago
p. 6 X - [Ravine] gneiss decompos[ed] in part cut thro[ugh]'
p. 8 X - [Ravine] termination of ravine upwards, drawing
p. 10 X - [Ravine] quartz veins running thr[ough]' rotten gneiss
p. 12 G. Boulder of granite on gneiss Milledgeville
p. 12 G. - [Boulder] none on the Atlantic plain
p. 14 G. - [Boulder] no proof of distant transportation
p. 14 G. No boulders on the Atlantic Plain
p. 14 X Boulders Milledgeville lat[itude] 33-20
p. 16 X Legislators made a “hog-pen” et cetera
p. 16 X White boy waiting, of colour,
p. 16 X Soap how do you make yours
p. 16 ? Loan [sic Lone] Star of Texas
Jan[uary] 18th Sund[ay]
p. 16 X Presbyterian Preacher in methodist church
p. 16 Hogs 60 put down
p. 18 G. Boulders in Elbert Co[unty]. Dr Cotting
p. 18 G. - [Boulders] height above sea
p. 18 G Lake disappear Cotting Decatur Co[unty]
p. 20 G X Kaolin, large feldspar crystals
p. 20 G. Boulders of granite on margin of tertiary
p. 22 [‘G’ deleted] X Voluntary system, Methodists
p. 22 ? “Parties, (political) in Engl[and] factions here”
p. 22 X Negro girl like daughter of house
p. 24 ? Clean Sheets & escaping itch
p. 24 X Yellow & black men
p. 24 X Negros cheerful Sunday dress
p. 24 X Long leave pine, sound of wind in
[Note: The above two index lines are found on p. 25.]
p. 26 G. Boulders not on Atlantic plain
p. 27 G. - [Boulders] range of
p. 27 ? Casius [sic Cassius] M. Clay Abolit[ionist] paper
p. 27 X Ice in G[eorgia] bearing man & horse
p. 28 X Southern climate - cold - Invalids
p. 28 X - [Southern climate] Doors & windows kept open
p. 28 G. Geology limest[one] nearest Macon
p. 28 G. Browns Mount, Eocene - Ockmulgee [sic Ocmulgee]
p. 29 G. - [Brown Mount] Burr Stone Macon
p. 29 G. - [Brown Mount] Macon 300 f[eet] above sea, rail 500 [‘500’ interlined]
p. 29 G. - [Brown Mount] Oyster Houston Co[unty] Flint R[iver]
p. 29 G. - [Brown Mount] Eocene quarry Macon railway
p. 30 ? Box Contents of sent to Engl[and]
p. 31 G. Fossils Eocene from railway quarry Macon [‘Macon’ interlined]
Jany 20th
p. 32 X Macon - Distances of places
p. 32 X War, News of Peel repealing Corn laws
p. 33 X Homicide in G[eorgia] man who shot an Irishman with us in stage
p. 33 X Slave Stealer Russel, sold one
p. 33 X Destiny - Annexation - satire on
p. 34, 35 X Plan of tour from Macon G[eorgia] to Albany N.Y.
p. 36 G. Limest[one] & burr st[one]. on Macon railway
p. 36 Young lawers [sic lawyers] & Physician in U.S. gaining notoriety as politicians
p. 38 ? Voice from New World or 3 days at Milledgeville
p. 38 X ? Names of negros "hard-times" Drusilla - Quash - Bacchus
p. 40 X Mrs Huson “fearing us were lonely [Mrs. Huson is Sara W. Huson of the Huson Hotel.]
p. 40 G. Geology - sharks teeth - marl
p. 40 G. - [Geology] notes on for journey from Macon S[outh].
p. 42 ? - [Geology] Granite tors in Ogelthorpe [sic Orlethorpe] Co[unty]
p. 42 X - [Geology] Boulders straight furrows of Dr. Cotting explained
p. 42 G. Columbus, section Geology 3 m[iles]. S[outh]. of
p. 42 G. - [Columbus] Geology Bull Creek, silicif[ied] wood
p. 44 G. - [Columbus] with Mr Pond, section of tertiary
p. 44 G. - [Columbus] Chattahoochee R[iver]. Upatoy [sic Upatoi] C[reek] sect[ion]
p. 46 G. - [Columbus] Upatoy [sic Upatoi] C[reek] Geology - shells Eocene?
p. 48 G. - [Columbus] with Dr Boykin fossils baculite
p. 48 G. - [Columbus with Dr Boykin] Snake Shoals Chattahoochee
p. 48 X - [Columbus] Nov[ember] healthy months for seeing
p. 50 ? Negos, Pond, on, no fusion of classes
p. 50 War whigs wish it, Negros for sale
p. 50 ? Columbus - notes with Pond, fire
p. 52 X Black artizans [sic artisans] interfere with whites
p. 52 X - [Black artisans] why preferred by Southerners
p. 52 X Free trade, South may not be for it
p. 52 X Columbus Falls Water power
p. 52 X - [Columbus] no negros in factories
p. 52 X Fish killed by mud in Chattahoochee
p. 52 X Pine barrens Pinus australis
p. 54 G X Boulders says Pond do not pass over the tertiary margin
p. 54 G. X Silicified wood Eocene?
p. 54 G X - [Silicified wood] connected with kaolin as in burrstone
p. 54 X Manacled slave - runaway
p. 54 X Indians lately sent [‘of’ deleted] out of Al[abama]
p. 54 X Safe Journey wished us
p. 54 X Grass none under Pine woods
p. 56 X Alabama pine-barrens, Magnolia
p. 56 X - [Alabama] old pines
p. 56 X Abolitionism anti-negro not anti slavery
p. 56 X Negro children unrestrained
p. 58 X - [Negro] equality of
p. 58 X Abolitionist in the stage, wrecker
p. 58 X - [Abolitionist] argument with runaways in woods, eating venison
p. 60 X - [Abolitionist] war w[ould]. end slavery, servile
p. 60 X Boykin s[aid] North wanted [illegible word deleted] war to put an end to slavery
p. 60 X Visiting South the only way of knowing the case of difficulty
p. 60 X Polk voted for to preserve property
p. 60 X Texas annexation protracts slavery
p. 60 G ? Geology new gullies betw[een] Columbus & Crawford
p. 60 X Distances, Chehaw Montgomery
p. 60 G. Geology - section on Talapoosa [sic Tallapoosa] R[iver].
[Note: The above 2 index lines are on p. 62.]
p. 65 X Chehaw, age of pines 180 y[ea]rs, 260 et cetera
p. 65 ? Cardinal bird in cage
[Note: The above 3 index lines are on p. 64]
p. 66 X Negros - deficient cotton crop.
p. 68 - [Negros] less indolent on cotton - why
p. 70 X Abolitionist says South poison judgment
p. 70 X Runnaway [sic Runaway] negros rare in Al[abama]
p. 70 ? Blacks educated by whites
p. 70 X Texas disappoints settlers
p. 72 X Irish labourers on equality
p. 72 X White aristocracy - Irish rise.
p. 72 X Negros in upper county superior
p. 74 X Irish ditcher dining with planter
p. 74 X Drinking & Swearing
p. 74 Light wood
p. 74 X Drunken man turned out of cars
p. 74 Wandering Jew
p. 74 Marriage in U.S. & France Leconte
p. 74 X Chehaw pleasure of return to hills
p. 74 X Negros, clothing of, want of chastity
p. 76 Montgomery - distances
p. 76 - [Mongomery] Prairie near Cretaceous foss[ils]
p. 76 Prairies bald
Jan[uary]. 26th
p. 78 G Montgomery section of cretac[eous] gravel at
p. 80 G. Montgomery, bald Prairies
p. 80 X - [Montgomery, bald Praries] mulberry growing on calc[areous] soil
p. 80 G. - [Montgomery] rotten limest[one] of Al[abama] chalk foss[ils]
p. 80 G. - [Montgomery] Catoma Creek
p. 80 G. - [Montgomery] Prairies - swamp with hurricane uprooted trees
p. 82 ? - [Montgomery] plants misseltoe [sic mistletoe]
p. 82 War - enmity to Engl[and] a man struck
p. 82 State debt of Al[abama] Dr Aimes
p. 82 X Slaves sale of in market
p. 82 X - [Slaves] "Going for only $400." horse sold in same market place
p. 82 ? Servants hired in market in Scotland
p. 82 X War, English tax [illegible word deleted] borne to abuse U.S. [‘U.S.’ interlined]
p. 83 X Negros Party in Al[abama] ag[ainst]. import[ation] p. 83 ? - [Negros] slave insurrections in V[irginia]. et cetera
p. 83 X Act of G[eorgia] ag[ainst] free negros who are feared - too much.
p. 83 X Negros features improve, Aimes
p. 83 X Slaves, owners sit up all night with them when ill
p. 84 G. Geology Artesian Well
p. 84 G. Prairie land belt of in Al[abama]. cretaceous
p. 85 X Slavery & Freedom K[entuky] & Ohio
p. 85 ? - [Slavery] colonization of Negros
p. 85 X - [Slavery] K[entucky]. retrograde because of
p. 85 ? Negros very clannish
p. 85 ? Serfdom in Europe no argument of safety of U.S. where as standing army
p. 85 X Manumission discourag[ed] in Al[abama].
p. 85 X Ill treatment rare few runnaways [sic runaways]
p. 86 G. Geology notes - Prairie land.
p. 86 G. Catoma Creek, ammonites
p. 86 & 90 G. Rotten limest[one]. at
p. 88 X Black boss, contracts by
p. 88 Wandering Jew - Suicide no crime
p. 88 - [Wandering Jew] hatred to England taught
p. 90 G. Geology - blue marl & marlst[one].
p. 90 G. Artesian well Montgom[ery] Co[unty]
p. 90 G. Geology, railway cut N[orth]. of Montgom[ery]
p. 92 Slaves K[entucky] better off where few
p. 92 X - [Slaves] in Al[abama] exported chiefly with owners
p. 92 ? Suffrage Universal favored by all, Aimes
p. 92 ? - [Suffrage Universal] in South [?means] Equality of an aristocracy
p. 92 X Rich man in Al[abama] worse chance in Elect[ions]
p. 92 X - [Rich man] not owing to envy says Aimes
p. 92 Al[abama] colonized from more civiliz[ed] States
p. 94 G. Geology, Montgomery Jackson's ferry
p. 94 G. - [Geology, Montgomery] Great beds of gravel - cretaceous
p. 96 G. - [Geology, Montgomery] hippurite, artesian borings
p. 96 G. - [Geology] artificial fountains in Al[abama]
p. 98 ? Negro & white children equality
p. 98 X - [Negro] teach the whites bad English
p. 98 X Al[abama] few residents in of 25 y[ea]r standing
p. 98 X Curfew for Blacks in Montgomery
p. 98 ? Insurrections of slaves
p. 98 X Sunday schools for negros Episcopl[ian]
p. 98 X Names of companions at Montgomery
p. 100 G. Prairie & Cane brake county Al[abama]
p. 100 G. - [Prairie & Cambrake] watered by Artesian wells
p. 102 G. Explanat[ion] of the artesian wells wh[ich] pierce below the marlite
p. 104 G. Artesian wells, temperature of depths
p. 104 G. Wetumpka junct[ion] of tertiary & micash[ist]
p. 104 G. Montgomery gravel with S[outhern]. dip (chalk)
Jany 28th
p. 106 X Ague Al[abama] in summer - in winter medical man idle
p. 106 X Negro & white children fondling each o[the]r [‘other’ interlined]
p. 106 X Episcopalians looking to Engl[and]
p. 106 ? Cunningham on decrease of Unitar[ians]
p. 106 X Emigrants sh[oud] return home - happier after
p. 106 X Slave market daily at Montgomery
p. 108 Stephanist young German woman
p. 108 - [Stephanist young German woman] repentance of
p. 110 - [Stephanist] Ship with some lost
p. 110 - [Stephanist] pay of woman on Steamer
p. 110 Sawyer (snag) rising slowly
p. 110 Steamer noise of pipe
p. 110 Stephen the saxon deserted his family
p. 112 - [Stephan] Sect survives the fraud
p. 112 Cotton Steamer described
p. 112 Intermittent gasp of steam ascending for cotton


  • Creation: 20 January 1846 - 28 January 1846


Language of Materials



118 folios

59 Leaves

1 volume