Notebook No.147, 15 June 1846 - July 1846
Content warning:
This Notebook contains a record of Charles Lyell’s return to the UK after his second travel to America (Notebooks 121- 145), and so covers American and UK topics, whilst he is based on London, before travelling to Kinnordy - via Edinburgh, Granton and Craig Crook Castle. Note on pg. 70 indexed as 'Ld Cockburn, Hill's daguerrotype' indicates they visited Bonaly, where the Lyell were photographed. This notebook has a hard light brown cover with red on the spine and in triangles on the corners. It was written in pencil and ink with the index at the back covering seven pages (from p.129 - p.135). This notebook includes detailed notes of political and religious discourse, historical discussions, slavery, and discussions of scientific papers and popular literature. Lyell covers the Wandering Jew many times in this notebook, having interest in its discussion of class structures and morality. He writes about 'Slaves in the US - drivers and gangs' on page 43, with more on page 47. This notebook also contains activities relating to the organisation of the Lyell’s lives, writing of the books and the management of the collections. On page 1 is a list of tasks, including 'paging of notebooks' and 'pasting newspaper cutting into American notebook (see reference Coll-203/10). From page 13 there’s a list of ‘boxes unpacked and labelled’ June 1846, London – which continues up to page 23. On page 22 there is a list of articles examined in study, 16 Hart Street ‘window cupboard’. From page 29 there are calculations relating to expenditure (the Lyell’s may be considering taking another property) from page 39, and a list of ‘boxes in store room’ taken July 1846. On page 45 there is a list of books, maps and MS ‘for Kinnordy’ including taking Mary’s MS notebooks. From page 52, there is a list of insects at Kinnordy. This organisation, which could include packing as well as inventory, appears in both Charles and Mary’s hands; the list of ‘books, maps and MS’ to take to Kinnordy on page 45 starts in his hand and ends in hers.
Lyell uses his Scientific Notebooks to gather evidence, based on both his own observation, by reviewing other people's works, by correspondence, asking questions and analyses. The language used in this index is historical, can be discriminatory and may cause offence.
When known, Lyell’s abbreviations, contractions, have been expanded using square brackets []. The inclusion of [sic] indicates the misspelling of a word is deliberate and taken from the notebook.
June 15th, 1846
p.3 Slavery in U.S British interference
p.3 Letters list of sent. Jun. July. Aug.
p.6 Advertisement of Rosherville, “as the town will appear”
p.6 K[ing] of Egypt in whale’s belly
p.6 Unpoliteness in English steamer
p.6 J[ames Charles] Prevost on English prejudice ag[ains]t Americans.
p.6 Ireland may well be thought detachable, in U.S. see papers
p.7 Irish w[oul]d fight Irish in an American war
p.7 U.S. making progress while the political posit[ion] of the aristocracy then is retrograding
p.9 Millerites – 2 English Premiers sons were Irvingites
p.9 Millennium servants England hired for 3 months
p.9 Unitarians, broken from moorings
p.10 Plant fossil of Ala[bama] coal
p.12 Coal of Richmo[n]d Ala[bama]
p.13 and 14 Boxes contents of examined in Hart St
p.18 Travels computation of time taken for writing them
p.18 L[or]d [William Lamb] Melbourne “why sh[oul]d a man bribe himself”?
p.20 Rent & taxes of Ho[use] in Bedf[or]d Pl.
p.23 Box contents of examined in Hart St[reet]
p.26 Johnson on a mans supposing that not prose must be poetry
p.26 Methodists say Episcopal[ian]s do not believe in regenerat[io]n
p.34 Bible a schoolbook in Bloomsbury school
p.35 “Rejecting” purgatory & taking hell Hon[ourable] Took to L[or]d [Charles] Grey
p.35 Samuel Rogers on avoiding & telling truth to English Aristocracy
p.38 Books on American Geol[og]y lent to D[aniel] Sharp
p.39 List of boxes Store room Hart S[tree]t
p.41 Yandle on vulgarity of medical students London
p.43 Slaves in U.S. Drivers & gangs
July 15 1846
p.45 Books list of taken to Kinnordy.
p.47 Slavery in U.S. Kindness, no defence, but abolit[io]n abuse bad
p.48 Hatred to U.S. expense of to Engl[an]d
p.50 Slavery in U.S. not under restraint in their manners
p.52 Wordsworth Diary in Paris
July 20th 1846
p.54 Insect, list of taken at Kinnordy
p.56 Plants taken at Do. List of
[July] 22nd [1846]
p.58 Insects wanted at Kinnordy
p.62 De Beaumont on Sand Dunes
p.62 Democracy in Scotland Baxter breaking stones. Son a Lieut[enan]t in English Army
p.62 Marks on rock at Prosen R[iver]. fall
p.63 Wandering Jew. Coloured Hero.
p.63 Carpenter & [John Leonard] Riddell queries on the hurricane at Balize [sic Belize] etc.
p.64 Do. & Forshey do.
p.65 Bunsen’s Egypt Chronology
p.66 Loess paper to Carpenter & others
p.66 Letter to DD Owen ab[ou]t flat boats
p.67 Delta of Miss[issippi] comp[are]d to Engl[an]d
p.68 Pope secularizing Government Italy.
p.68 Boston Conservation, character of
p.69 [Henry] Doubleday, collecting moths in night.
p.70 Boston, religion feeling with[ou]t Church,
p.70 Alliston’s church Edinb[urgh] “term”
p.70 L[or]d Cockburn Hill's Daguerreotype
p.70 Obelisk to 3 men for sedit[io]n transported
p.70 H[ugh] Millar – No advance in theology
p.72 Walter Scott colossus statue like
p.72 Irish Schools no bible, [James] Pillans
p.72 Scotch system for boys, Deuteronomy
p.72 In Chemistry we teach what we believe, not so in Geol[og]y
p.74 [Comte de] Volney on America – [Charles] MacLaren
p.74 Scotch Educat[ion] Old Testament.
p.76 John Davis Gov[ernor] Map – Democracy
p.76 Pension for service, [James David] Forbes $200.
p.76 Religion faith causing inconsistency
p.78 War, the vulgar from to L[or]d C[ockburn]
p.78 Drift, example in Dr Fleming of Granton quarry
p.80 Fossil trees ibid
p.82 Granton quarry coniferous tree
p.82 Boulder calving
p.84 “Death before the fall” – Geol[og]y
p.84 Before French Revol[u]t[io]n lawyers of talent disregarded mysteries of Xtianity [sic Christianity]
p.84 “Revival of relig[io]n” with Jeffrey Craig Crook
p.84 Man content to be ignorant of mysteries
p.86 [Henry] Rogers author of art[icle] on Puseyism corrupt theology Edinb[urgh] Rev[iew]
p.86 Oxford [with Jeffreys] L [or]d C ’s [name anonymised in text] son religionist
p.86 Sir John Dalziel’s [sic Dalyell] living zoophytes in salt water
p.86 Buccinum Undatum & Fusus Despectus
p.88 Reaction may be looked for in New & Old Engl[an]d in theology – [Lord Francis] Jeffreys
p.88 Unitarians more for Christ & less for St. Paul than others
p.86 - p.90 Sir J D[alyell] actinia living in salt water
p.90 Lacerta agilis moving its tail
p.90 First class place in railway for select[io]n of soc[iet]y U.S
p.92 In religion & politics the Democracy leads, Priests like demagogues
p.94 Laity sh[oul]d educate as less fettered
p.94 Geol[og]y its practical utility sustains it ag[ains]t relig[iou]s prejudice
p.95 War causes of better in Middle ages? [Henry Hart] Milman’s Xtianity [sic Christianity]
p.102 Wandering Jew La Mayeaux & sympathy for lower classes
p.104 p. 106 Glacier with [Louis] Agassiz Southton & veined structure of
p.108 [Louis] Agassiz on Catopterus & U.S. fossil fish
p.110 [Agassiz] on glacier ice structure
p.110 Yacht dredging McAndrews
p.112 [Yacht dredging] shells dredged up, list
p.114 [Yacht dredging] other animals
p.116 Delta of Miss[issip]pi Guathodon & Neritina
p.118 Miss Lyns [spelt Miss Lyn in main text] 4 Lowdnes Sq[uare]
p.120 Geol[og]y Thecadont, not a New Red, Sanders opin[ion]
p.124 Lonsdale on anthophyllum
Sep[tember] 15 1846
p.124 International Copyright U.S & Russia for – “Home thoughts”
p.124 Wandering Jew sympathy for poor
p.124 [Wandering Jew] mixture of sentiment & immorality
p.125 A’ Becket of Punch v. Brit[ish] Assoc[iatio]n
- Creation: 15 June 1846 - July 1846
Language of Materials
135 folios
67 Leaves
1 volume
- Lyell, Sir Charles, 1797-1875 (1st Baronet | Scottish geologist) (Person)
- Lyell, Lady Mary, 1808-1873 (nee Horner) (Person)
- Carpenter, William Marbury , 1811-1848 (American natural scientist) (Person)
- Riddell, John Leonard, 1807-1865 (Science lecturer, botanist, geologist, medical doctor, chemist, microscopist, numismatist, politician, and author) (Person)
- Forshey, Caleb Goldsmith, 1812-1881 (Engineer, scientist, and founder of the Texas Military Institute) (Person)
- Owen, David Dale, 1807-1860 (American geologist) (Person)
- Doubleday, Henry, 1808-1875 (English entomologist and ornithologist) (Person)
- Lamb, William, 1779-1848 (2nd Viscount Melbourne | Prime Minister) (Person)
- Prévost, Louis-Constant, 1787-1856 (French geologist) (Person)
- Rogers, Samuel, 1763-1855 (English poet) (Person)
- Grey, Charles Edward, Sir, 1785-1865 (English judge and colonial governor) (Person)
- Wordsworth, William, 1770-1850 (Person)
- Elie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Léonce, 1798-1874 (French geologist) (Person)
- Sue, Eugène (Marie-Joseph), 1804-1857 (Person)
- Bunsen, Christian Charles Josias von, 1791-1860 (German diplomat and scholar) (Person)
- Hill, David Octavius, 1802-1870 (Person)
- Cockburn, Henry, 1779-1854 (Lord Cockburn | Solicitor General for Scotland) (Person)
- Miller, Hugh, 1802-1856 (man of letters and geologist) (Person)
- Scott, Sir Walter, 1771-1832 (novelist and poet) (Person)
- Volney, C.-F. (Constantin-François), 1757-1820 (French philosopher, abolitionist, writer, orientalist, and politician) (Person)
- Maclaren, Charles, 1782-1866 (first editor of the Scotsman) (Person)
- Davis, John, 1787-1854 (American lawyer, businessman and politician ) (Person)
- Forbes, James David, 1809-1868 (Scottish physicist and glaciologist) (Person)
- Rogers, Henry Darwin, 1808-1866 (American geologist | Professor of Natural History and Geology, University of Glasgow) (Person)
- Dalyell, John Graham, 1775-1851 (Antiquary and Naturalist) (Person)
- Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, Lord, 1773-1850 (Person)
- Milman, Henry Hart, 1791-1868 (English historian and ecclesiastic) (Person)
- Agassiz, Jean Louis, 1807-1873 (Swiss-American naturalist and professor of natural history) (Person)
- Sanders, William , 1799-1875 (English merchant and geologist) (Person)
- Lonsdale, William , 1794-1871 (Geologist and Paleontologist) (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the University of Edinburgh Library Heritage Collections Repository
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