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Notebook No.245, 6 November 1860- March 1861

 Item — Box: Lyell-temp-box 9
Identifier: Coll-203/A1/245

Scope and Contents

Teal coloured leather Notebook, the index appears at the back of the book. On this occasion, Lyell creates the index chronologically, with the dates noted first, then page numbers and subjects. The notebook starts with Lyell in London. He creates a table for calculating the rate of rising of land. He is preparing to travel to Paris – listing maps and books to take, Notebooks which document earlier visits to Amiens, Abbeville, articles to read etc. Page 44 notes the weights of both Charles and Mary Lyell. He visits Murray to show him the woodcut illustrations of the hatchets to be included in the Manual, and makes notes relating to his manuscript, including examples to incorporate. From March 1861, he is in Paris and the notebook focusses on consideration of animal fossils – hippos, elephants, mastodons and others - found at Saint Aucheul and Amiens.

Scope and Contents

The following table of contents is Lyell's own words transcribed from digital surrogates using the platform Transkribus. In this Notebook, Lyell has arranged the index by date, then page number. Dates are followed by [th] or [st]. When known, Lyell's abbreviations and contractions have been expanded using brackets []. When writing is unclear, and transcription is not possible, this is denoted using [...]. The inclusion of [sic] indicates the misspelling of a word is deliberate and taken from the notebook.'Do' is used by Lyell to indicate 'ditto'. Brackets () indicates Lyell's own use of brackets.

Lyell's own index

Index 1860 London
Nov. 6 p.1. Sorby on chalk foraminifera & diatom for silax?
p. 2. Desmidiae & Coscinodiscus Etheridge. Sponges siliceous p. 3-4
p. 6 - Clathropteris proving foot print beds of Conn[ecticu]t. triassic ?
p.7. Rate of rising of land, table for calculating
Dec[ember]. 5[th] p. 10 Cyrena [Cyrenida?] in Holderness. Prestwich.
p. 11 Menchecourt & Amien flint- beds with Prestwich. .
p. 12 With Morris on Cyrena [Cyrenida?] being post- glacial.
p. 13 Muswell Hill with Morris.
p. 14 Thames 20 ft below its former freshwater bed.
p. 16 with Dr Wallich Gangetic [Ganges] mud & Kimkur [? near Barrackpore] .
p. 17 [Bartlell [should be Bartlett] of Zoo[ogical] Gardens tells of] Squirrels suckled by a cat, Gnu by a goat. [actual text is different]. .
p. 18 Monkeys moping when one dies. .
p. 19 Hull Cumberland Glaciers.
do Hooker Lebanon Cedars & moraines.
1860 London.
Dec. 8. p. 19. Hooker Liquidambis [Liquidambar] Papyrus.
p. 20 Syrian Sicilian & tropical Africa.
22[n]d p. 22 Welsh Glaciers with Ramsay .
do Miocene synclinal in Jura.
p. 23 Welsh stratif[ication] striated blocks.
24th With Prestwich.
p.26. Mendip hills absence of glacial striae, tho[ugh] Wales submerged.
27[th] St Acheul upper or lower drift oldest? Prestwich doubts. .
Do [24th] Norwich crag very cold periods.
Do [24th ] Brighton old beach.
p.28. Dr Wallich on Soundings between Feroe [sic Faroe] Iceland. .
p.30 Book to be indexed.
[do] Morris reference to Thames paper.
31[st] p. 30 Salter coal marine. ferns. .
p.31 – [Salter] deep sea star fish and Silurian ones.
[do] Geikie Glaciers opposite Skye.
Jan[uary] 7th 1861 Alex. Martinas - Hofmann. L]or]d A Hervey .
J.G.S. Binney- Buckman- Mackie, 900 copies of Geologies sold. .
p. 32 Sigillaria leaves fern- like? Binnie.
Index cont[inued] London.
p. 32 Stereotype queries.
p. 35 Primordial of U.S. Keesville [sic Keeseville, New York].
p. 36 Emmons Manual .
p. 37 Lava on Madeira white caliar[tion]s[?] Masses.
p. 38 - Palma bat [sent to British Museum] .
Jan[ura]y 24th [do p. 38] Rev[isions] of Pouchet .
[do p. 38] Rolleston Prof Oxford .
Feb[uar]y 6th Sir J. Richardson on sled rein-deer horns sent to Col. Wood. .
12th Grays 18 Cadogan Place – H. Buckle, Rev. Capil, Mrs Nordlingan Mrs H. Lady Boucher.
[February] 16th p. 39 Books for Paris & Maps. & p. 49.
p. 40 With Hooker. Bast cells.
p. 42 Jordon D. Record office Jermyn St[reet] .
March 11[th] p. 44 Weight of C.L. M.E.L- .
March 18[th] p. 46 Sale of Principles of Geol[og]y-.
p. 47 Hull reference to Cotswold Hills drift paper.
p. 48 Ramsay depression of drift period [Horbye’s map of Scandinavia) .
p. 49 List of Books taken to Paris March 1861 .
[March] 26[th] p. 51 [and] 53 Paris Addresses.
[March] 25[th] p. 52 Isthmus of Dover before close of glacial period.
- M.S. list of [books] taken to Paris. .
p. 54 Boucher de Perthe’s prophecy because he only (knew Grenelle) .
p. 56 Lartet says Abbeville peat bear Ursas arctos [brown bear] .
- Rein deer range of, Pallas.
March 1861 Paris.
p. 58- Chartres Rhino[sceris] 2 spec[ies]. not deter[mine]d Lartet.
p. 59 Ursas spelan q[uer]y in Somme valley.
do Varieties of Cave Bear. 2 large animals. .
p. 60 Hippopot[amus] smaller species in Somme valley.
p. 61 Arcis cavern 4 ages in.
do Musk ox & mammoth were modern.
p. 62 Aurignac bones & Kirkdale not so ancient Delippe.
p. 63 Loess between Seine & marine 240 metres high.
p. 64. La Motte Piquit with Hebert, Gaufries hatchet.
p. 66. Diluvium griss under dil[uvium] rouge-.
p. 69 Hebert excursion with. results.
p. 75 Charles D’Orbigny’s fresh[ater] format[ions] .
p. 76 says Hebert in Dilu[vions] gris, ergo [?anagoust] Grays etc.
Elephas antiquus Clichy from older bed.
p. 78 Puy skeletons, bent as in old burials.
- do mammoth had crossed the Alps Piedmont etc.
p. 79 El[ephant] Africanus fossil from Madrid, saw fragm[ent]s.
- do E[lephant]. priscus with E[lephant] primogenious from Auvergne [could be Aurignac?].
p. 80 Maltese Eleph[ant] a dwarfed individ[ual]. .
- do Marine shells carried by Celts?
- do Musk ox fossil at Very Dep[artmen]t of Aisne.
p. 81 Aurignac cave bones, & implements - buried at time of extinct animals. .
82. Montmorecey case of Demoyens.
March 1861. Paris.
p. 84 Rhinoc[erous] Museus [?] = megarhinces[?] Lartet. R. hemtochus male of R. Leptorhinus? [?].
p. 85 Elephus priscus.
p. 86 Skulls shown by Graciolet with Wormian bones same as Fernando Po.
p. 90 Schmerling notes on by Lartet Agoute [sic Agouti] a porcupine.
p. 92 Tourne & Christol first taught coexistence of man with cave-bear etc.
30[th March] p. 94 references to same.
[p.] 98 Mastodon Arverneuis & El. Antiquus & E. Meridian coexist[ed] in Piedmont.
- do. Mammoth in Oural before it came south. .
- do. Helix pulchella of different ages - Lartet. .
p. 100 Creil hatchet – with Dr Verneuil.
p. 101 Barrande - primordial period. Species- “colonies”. .
p. 102 De Vilbrage Grotto d’Arey.
p. 104 Primordial of Leon. De Vennairt.
do. Porcupine or Agouti of Schmerling.
p. 106 Oldest cavern animals in France El[eplant] Antiquus. No Machairodus. [machairodontine – sabre tooth cats]
Leidez’s mammalia Anteoldon.
p. 108 Fossil polecat larger than living.
p. 109 Leporium Bracca on reference Geo[graphy?] of S[ain]t Hilaire.
do. Queries B. de Perthes Hippopot[amus] & El[ephant] antiquus.
p. 110 Teeth fossil only detached. Lartet.
p. 112 Rhinoc[ercous] hemetochs in Spain.
Hipparia Do. will Rh[inocerous]. megarhine & mast[odon] arvernenses.
p. 113 References about French note in N[ote].B[ook]’s [lists pages in notebooks number 108, 240 and 243] Limon des plateau animal remains in N[ote]B[ook] 243. [p.] 28.
p. 111 Daubree & Lanzel on large blocks travelling.


  • Creation: 6 November 1860- March 1861


Language of Materials



179 folios

89 Leaves

1 volume

Processing Information

Catalogued by Pamela McIntyre, Strategic Projects Archivist, November 2022



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