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Extracts from Geological Works, 1823

Identifier: Coll-203/A2/3

Scope and Contents

This notebook appears to be notes taken by Lyell, gathered from observation and reading relating to geology of the north east of Scotland. Undated, the reading material referred to dates this notebook post c.1814-1823, and the notes may be preparation for his article on 'Recent Formations in Forfarshire].Contains referenced "extracts from various Geological Works" as well as from letters. Later on in the notebook, Lyell's own observations and reading is headed at the top of the page. There is a reference to him numbering specimens [pg. 74]. A number of pages blank, paginated.

  1. Begins with sketches of coast and Dunnottar Castle.
  2. Warburton "On some beds of Shell-Marle in Scotland" [dates 1814]
  3. Mr Henslow on the Geology of Anglesea - with notes on Chlorite Schist; Greywacke;Trap; Serpentine; Transition Limestone; Cornstone; Old Red; Trap Conglomerate; Fossils; Geological Terms - makes mention to Buckland and Conybeare and their work
  4. Dr. Fleming on the Geology of Redhead - studies north east of Scotland compared to west - Renfrew and Ayr, Ardrossan Harbour
  5. Mackenzie on the Ochil Hills
  6. M. Bedaut on Molusca
  7. Notes on freshwater formations
  8. Captain Ogilvy on
  9. Bakie - Geological Tracts - extract of a letter from Capt[ain] Ogilvy to C. Lyell Jun[io]r dated Ap[ri]l 16th 1823 - appears to be answering questions from Charles Lyell Junior
  10. Extract of a letter from W. Blackadder to C. Lyell Jun[ior], dated Glammis March 3rd 1823
  11. Extract of a letter from from W. Blackadder to C. Lyell Jun[ior], Airly Castle, 22nd May 1823
  12. Blackadder - Moss of Cookstown, Forfar Loch; Bakie Loch; shells of Bakie rock marl;
  13. Details of drainage of Bakie Loch [from Statistical Accounts]
  14. Gyrognite - M Leman, Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences 1812
  15. Recent Chara - reference to Brongniart - notes on species, and distribution - Cambridge Chara; Isle of Wight.
  16. Notes on Diluvium
  17. Numbered lists of sites along east coast of Scotland - place names given at the top of each section.
  18. Notes on specimens found locally - horn of Rhinoceros, canoe, glass bottle etc.
  19. Extracts from Humboldt's "personal narrative"


  • Creation: 1823



1 notebook : Hardback, red leather bound notebook