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Material relating to Thomas Archibald Campbell Brownlie B.Sc. (Engineering), Edinburgh 1935

 Fonds — Multiple Containers
Identifier: Coll-1329

Scope and Contents

Material from Edinburgh University period, 1930s:

  1. - 6"-ruler - 'The Pupil's Own'
  2. - University of Glasgow - Prelim' Exam' Papers on Arts, Science, Medicine - 1932
  3. - Edinburgh University note-books - 1934 largely - Strength of materials; Field work lectures; Field work; Hydraulics; Drawing
  4. - Class certificates - Edinburgh University, 1932-35 - Dynamics; Mathematics; Chemistry for engineering; Strength of materials; Engineering drawing; Hydraulics; Engineering fieldwork; Civil engineering; Structural and field geology; Physics; Heat engines; and, General engineering
  5. - Chemistry lectures; and Electrical engineering (note-books)
  6. - Note-book with calculations
  7. - Note-book - Lectures - Hydraulics; Hydraulics laboratory; Strength of materials; Reinforced concrete; Civil engineering
  8. - Accounts book - 1935-36
  9. - Photographs - 1935 - Military

Material from India and then War periods:

  1. - Album of photographs with civil engineering scenes, 1930s
  2. - Album of photographs with civil engineering and Scottish scenes, 1930s
  3. - Envelope containing papers relating to work with Public Works Department (India)
  4. - Notes and calculations and other papers relating to work with Public Works Department (India)
  5. - Nomogram for circular sewers (chart/calculations)
  6. - Paper No. 221: Lining of the Haveli Main Line Canal
  7. - Paper No. 251: The Kalabagh Barrage
  8. - Paper No. 253: Observations on lined (Haveli) canal
  9. - Paper No. 256: Soil stabilazation as applied to roads in India
  10. - Officers' Pass Book (containing statements of accounts of officers on Field Services)
  11. - Royal Engineers Reconaissance Pocket Book, 1944
  12. - Small diary/address book/note-book
  13. - Diary, 1947
  14. - Items relating to demobilization and release from war service, 1940s

Material from period working in Edinburgh/Lothian Region:

  1. - Diaries, memo-books, from 1950-1978
  2. - Correspondence files with memos and printed material, 1960s
  3. - Calculation book, 1947
  4. - 'Treatment of Industrial Waste Waters' April 1966, University of Birmingham
  5. - Copy of 'Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1968
  6. - Copy of 'An introduction to engineering economics for civil engineering students' 1947
  7. - Copy of 'Memorandum and articles of association and bye-laws of the Institution of Sanitary Engineers' , 1950
  8. - Copy of 'Glenfiled Gazette - a journal of hydraulic engineering', Vol.XXX. No.2. June 1955
  9. - The water supply of Edinburgh, 1954
  10. - Main drainage of the City of Edinburgh, 1955
  11. - The water supply of Edinburgh, 1959
  12. - Paper: Geology of Edinburgh's water supply. By A. Laurenson. Edinburgh Geological Society. May 1963
  13. - Sewage treatment works at Wallyford. Midlothian County Council. 1972
  14. - Paper: Sewage-treatment works at East Calder and Newbridge. Conference. Sept. 1972
  15. - Sunrise/Sunset chart. Edinburgh 1969-70
  16. - Printed material and articles relating to MV 'Gardyloo'
  17. - Printed material relating to the Megget Scheme. Lothian Regional Council
  18. - The Megget Scheme. Visit to reservoir site, etc., 1975
  19. - Megget Valley Reservoir. Environmental Report Summary, 1977
  20. - Edinburgh sewage disposal scheme. Lothian Regional Council, 1978
  21. - Mounted group photograph of Edinburgh University Engineering Graduates, 1935, which includes T. A. C. Brownlie

Assorted biographical information, certificates, testimonials, correspondence and photographs and miscellaneous material from all periods:

  1. - School Certificate, Schools Examination Board, Merchiston Castle School, 1928
  2. - Officers Training Corps, Merchiston Castle School, 1931
  3. - Scottish Universities Entrance Board - Certificate, 1932
  4. - University of Glasgow - Certificate, Preliminary Examinations, 1932
  5. - Officers Training Corps, Edinburgh University, 1933
  6. - Heriot Watt College - Class certificate, 1933-34
  7. - Card - Institution of Civil Engineers / Glasgow Association of Students, 1937-38
  8. - Cards and ephemera - Edinburgh University Union, 1932-35
  9. - Graduation Ceremonial, McEwan Hall, 28 June 1935 (p.15. Brownlie, Thomas Archibald Campbell - Second Class B.Sc)
  10. - Correspondence about dented University cup, 1934
  11. - Photographs, Edinburgh University Engineer Unit, Summer Camp, 1933
  12. - Photographs / printed information - Engineering Graduates Re-Union Lunch
  13. - Certificate - Edinburgh General Council Trust, find raising effort 1990s
  14. - Biographical - CV - Testimonials etc
  15. - Correspondence relating to membership of professional bodies
  16. - Correspondence relating job applications - Testimonials etc
  17. - Photographs, printed material such as menus and order of proceedings relating to Formal Openings of various drainage schemes, 1960s and 1970s


  • Creation: 1928-1999


Language of Materials


Conditions Governing Access

Open to bona fide researchers, but please contact repository for details in advance of visit.

Biographical / Historical

The civil engineer Thomas Archibald Campbell Brownlie was born on 6 September 1914, in Kasauli, India. His parents were Thomas Archibald Miller Brownlie (1879-1962) a civil engineer working in Faisalabad (now in modern Pakistan) and Jessie Forsyth Brownlie (Smith). When still a child he was brought to Scotland by his mother to live near Dunoon. After local early education he later went to Merchiston Castle School in Edinburgh, and then he studied Engineering at Edinburgh University. He graduated with the degree of B.Sc. in 1935 and then returned to India, working in the Punjab where he was involved in canal work. During World War II he served in the Indian Army as a Major, with the Bengal Sappers and Miners, commanding a company in Malaya and Burma. During the war, on 5 August 1941, he married Marjorie Bennetts (1921-2011).

After the war (and Indian independence), Brownlie returned to Scotland and worked with the local authorities of both Dumfries and Fife. In 1950, he became County Engineer with Midlothian County Council before joining Lothian Region on the re-organisation of Scottish local government. Latterly he was Director of the Region's drainage services (Director of Drainage), and he had been responsible for its biggest single capital project - the multi-million pound Edinburgh Sewage Disposal Scheme including its sewage treatment plant at Seafield and the means to transfer sludge to the vessel M.V. 'Gardyloo' for disposal in the near North Sea. He retired from Lothian Region in September 1978.

Thomas Archibald Campbell Brownlie died on 3 September 2010.


9 boxes

Physical Location

CLX-A-990 to CLX-A-998.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Material acquired December 2011. Accession no: E2012.02.

Processing Information

Compiled by Graeme D. Eddie, Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections.

Material relating to Thomas Archibald Campbell Brownlie B.Sc. (Engineering), Edinburgh 1935 (1914-2010)
Language of description
Script of description
Code for undetermined script

Repository Details

Part of the University of Edinburgh Library Heritage Collections Repository

Centre for Research Collections
University of Edinburgh Main Library
George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LJ Scotland
+44(0)131 650 8379