Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 40
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of circa 1026 sides of Young's closely written commentary on the Bible, Christianity and God in modern society, with some reference to books read by him. The material is arranged as diary entries but there seem to be very few personal references apart from December 1941 when Japanese occupation of the area in which Young was living is mentioned. The material begins with page 833 and is obviously only part of a larger collection of notes.
Identifier: CSWC 24
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of correspondence in English and Chinese (1938, 1946-86); material relating to Young's study of the Chinese language; material used by Young for evangelical work in China (1930s-1950s) and other miscellaneous items from his time in China; articles and sermons by Young in English mainly written after his return to Scotland; journals, articles and newspaper cuttings in English and Chinese mainly relating to China and the church (1940s-1980s); photographs, pictures and...
Identifier: CSWC 15
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of a pamphlet by Agnes Clarke about her father (1962); three volumes of diaries written by George Clarke (1879-1883); a book on Kweichow and Yunnan provinces by George Clarke (1894); cuttings from China's Millions about the Clarke family (1875-1941); and four photographs of the family and one of a Chinese river (circa 1880-1890).
Identifier: CSWC 14
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of two version of an unpublished manuscript Memories of a Missionary by Maclean, the first dates from 1967 or just after, the second is the same version but amended and annotated at a later date and including photographs and pictures dating from c 1930s to 1984. It is an account of the relationship between Maclean and her friend Fragrant Tree, describing their backgrounds, their work for the mission and church in Manchuria...
[ca. 1930]-1984
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of: diary entries by Fleming describing her arrival and early travel in China (c 1923-1925); memoirs by Fleming and Service describing the months around Pearl Harbour and missionary internment and evacuation (cover 1937-1942); and notes by Fleming on how God reveals Himself (1955).
Identifier: CSWC 13
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of copies of material assembled by Barbara Hayes to illustrate her husband's life. It includes biographical data on the Hayes family; a series of articles written by Barbara Hayes about her life in China and focussing particularly on her husband's activities and work; some memoirs or articles written by Hayes himself or articles about him; transcripts of Hayes' 'Confessions' written for his trial in 1951; letters or extracts of letters written by Hayes and his wife;...
Identifier: CSWC 23
Scope and Contents
The collection is in five main sections: (1) items relating to China and (2) to east Asia, (3) general items, (4) photographs and slides, and (5) sound recordings. (1) The China section includes: correspondence and other material on the mission and Church in Manchuria (1940s-1990s) and on Chinese Christians (1970s-1990s); reports, papers and correspondence relating to UK conferences and councils on China, to the Foundation for Theological Education and other Asian Christian organisations,...
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of photocopies of material describing the work of the Chinese Union and defending it against criticism, including: motto, constitution, rules and regulations of the Chinese Union; names of Chinese members and preachers and statistics relating to their activities (1849); list of books published by the Union; lists and numbers of baptised (1844-1849); lists of places to which preachers had been sent; finances of the Union (1845-49); notes by Gützlaff on China, Korea,...
[ca. 1844-1849]
Fonds — Box: CSWC Small Collections Box 4
Identifier: CSWC 100
Identifier: CSWC 18
Scope and Contents
The collection consists of: letters from Carpenter to her parents sometimes enclosing letters from others (1922-1951); notes, correspondence, reports and other material relating to Tanishan Orphanage (1924-1954); reminiscences, notes, articles, addresses and talks by Carpenter on her time in China and on women in China (1928-1960s); pamphlets, circulars and other material relating to the China Inland Mission (also OMF) and the British and Foreign Bible Society (from circa 1920s mainly...
20th century