Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 63
Papers of George Hood (b. 1917)
Papers of George McGlashan Kerr (1874-1950) and Isabel Kerr (1875-1932)
The collection consists of: correspondence, mainly letters from Kerr and others at the leprosy hospital to Joseph Ross and his wife giving information about their work in India (c 1927-1944); autobiographical notes on Kerr's childhood, decision to become a missionary and early years in India; pamphlets and printed items, referring to the hospital and medical work and with obituaries of Isabel Kerr (1911-1956); and photographs of the Kerr family and Dichpali (3 items, c 1920s).
Papers of George William Clarke (1849-1919)
The collection consists of a pamphlet by Agnes Clarke about her father (1962); three volumes of diaries written by George Clarke (1879-1883); a book on Kweichow and Yunnan provinces by George Clarke (1894); cuttings from China's Millions about the Clarke family (1875-1941); and four photographs of the family and one of a Chinese river (circa 1880-1890).
Papers of Helen B. K. Maclean (fl. 1921-1954)
Papers of Helen M. Taylor
Papers of Isabel Fleming (1890-1983) and Jessie Service (1888-1958)
The collection consists of: diary entries by Fleming describing her arrival and early travel in China (c 1923-1925); memoirs by Fleming and Service describing the months around Pearl Harbour and missionary internment and evacuation (cover 1937-1942); and notes by Fleming on how God reveals Himself (1955).
Papers of James Kellock (1889-1968)
The collection consists of several files relating to the United Church of Northern India and Kellock's involvement in the extension and promotion of church union including committee papers and reports, correspondence, published articles and journals, material relating to Kellock's Break Through for Church Union, and material on the debate over Anglican and Presbyterian union in Scotland.
Papers of James Russell Macphail (1901-1968)
Papers of John David Hayes (1888-1957)
Papers of John Harry Dring (1911-2000)
The collection is in three main sections: (1) biographical and personal items including articles and papers by Dring about his life and work, diary entries from his voyage to Argentina, and two photographs (1911-1989); (2) news and prayer letters, some under the title of Chaco Grace (1935-1995); (3) and correspondence between Dring, his mission, supporters, fellow missionaries, and family (1936-1995).