Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 21
Dictates of Andrew Suttie by James Ross
Vellum-covered volume of notes taken by student James Ross of lectures in Philosophy given by Andrew Suttie, Regent.
Dictates of James Pillans by Alexander Wilson
Single volume of lecture notes taken down by Alexander Wilson at lectures given by James Pillans.
Dictates of James Pillans by Archibald Flint: 'Philosophia Peripatetica'
John Macmurray Papers
The Papers of John Macmurray contain manuscripts and typescripts of works; transcripts and offprints; lectures and lecture notes, sermons and addresses; exercise books, note books, and loose pages; material in binders and folders.
Click HERE to see a detailed handlist.
Lecture notes of John Borthwick of Crookston
Lecture Notes of John Robison
Lecture notes from the time when Robison was Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh. The notes embrace the sciences of mechanics, hydrodynamics, astronomy and optics, together with electricity and magnetism.
It is assumed that these are Robison's own notes but this has not been verified.
Lectures by Dugald Stewart
3 small, soft-bound volumes of notes taken at lectures on moral pholosophy given by Dugald Stewart.
Letter, 27 March 1798, to James Chalmer, signed by Adam Ferguson
Autograph letter signed by Adam Ferguson to James Chalmer, solicitor, dated Hallyard, 27 March 1798.
The letter refers to a 'half yearly certificate' which Chalmer will have 'as usual'. and on which he 'will do the needfull'. Ferguson goes on to say that his 'son writes [...] that the Copper Plates are come to hand & I have desired impressions in order to know in which state they come out of Mr [?] keeping...'.
Manuscripts of the Islamicate World and South Asia
Material relating to the editing of 'Crisis of the democratic intellect', by George Elder Davie
The collection relates to the editing of "Crisis of the democratic intellect", and includes manuscript and typescript, photographs, and promotional material.