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Koran--Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Subject Source: Library of Congress Subject Headings

Found in 6 Collections and/or Records:

Detail of page from the Compendium of Chronicles by Rashid al-Din. Shows text with central miniature depicting the Sultan Luhrasp seated on a throne, surrounded by attendants. [Please click twice to see the full manuscript]
Detail of page from the Compendium of Chro...

Manuscripts of the Islamicate World and South Asia

Identifier: Or Ms
Scope and Contents This collection consists of over 700 manuscripts pertaining to the Islamicate world and South Asia, dating from the 10th to 19th centuries C.E. (the majority being post-1500). Chiefly bound paper codices, it includes sacred texts of importance to the Muslim, Hindu, and Sikh faiths, Qur’anic commentaries, Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad and the Shi’i Imams, works treating Islamic law, world history, the history of India, medicine,...
Dates: 10th-19th centuries C.E. (bulk: post-1500 C.E.)

Or Ms 1: أنوار التنزیل وأسرار التأویل Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-ta'wīl, undated

Identifier: Or Ms 1
Scope and Contents

A well-known commentary on the Qur'ān. The name of the author does not appear, but the commentary is known to have been compiled by Nāṣir al-Dīn 'Abd-allāh b. 'Umar al-Bayḍawī whose death date is commonly given as c. 1286 C.E. However, accordīng to the notice of his life in Kitāb al-Aqālīm, written at Tabriz 716 A.H. (1316 C.E.), Hamd-allāh Mustawfī, a contemporary, says he died in 710 A.H. (1310 C.E.).

The text of the Qur'ān is written in red ink.

Dates: undated

Or Ms 2: الاسعاف في شرح شواهد القاضي والکشّاف al-Is'āf fī sharḥ shawāhid al-qāḍī wa-al-kashshāf vol. 2, 1192 A.H., 1778 C.E.

Identifier: Or Ms 2
Scope and Contents A complete commentary on the "proof verses" of the Qur'ān, cited by Jār-allāh Maḥmud al-Zamakhsharī (d. 538 A.H., 1143 C. E.), in his commentary on the Qur'ān called al-Kashshāf, and Nāṣīr al-Dīn 'Abd-allāh b. 'Umar al-Bayḍawī in his Qur'ānic commentary. The present work was compiled by Hadr b. 'Atā-allāh (see the last verse on fol. 632b), according to a chronogram at the end of the book, in 974 A.H. (1566 C.E.). All the verses adopted by al-Zamakhsharī are inscribed in red, and those of...
Dates: 1192 A.H.; 1778 C.E.

Or Ms 3: الاسعاف في شرح شواهد القاضي والکشّاف al-Is'āf fī sharḥ shawāhid al-qāḍī wa-al-kashshāf vol. 1, 1192 A.H., 1778 C.E.

Identifier: Or Ms 3
Scope and Contents A complete commentary on the "proof verses" of the Qur'ān, cited by Jār-allāh Maḥmud al-Zamakhsharī (d. 538 A.H., 1143 C. E.), in his commentary on the Qur'ān called al-Kashshāf, and Nasīr al-Dīn 'Abd-allāh b. 'Umar al-Bayḍawī in his Qur'ānic commentary. The present work was compiled by Hadr b. 'Atā-allāh (see the last verse on fol. 6325), accordīng to a chronogram at the end of the book, in 974 A.H. (1566 C.E.). All the verses adopted by al-Zamakhsharī are inscribed in red,and those of...
Dates: 1192 A.H.; 1778 C.E.

أنوار التنزيل وأسرار التأويل Anwār al-tanzīl wa asrār al-taʼwīl, undated (extant by 16th cent. C.E.)

Identifier: Or Ms 155
Scope and Contents

A complete copy of the well-known commentary upon the Qur'an of al-Bayḍāwī (Naṣīr al-Dīn ‘Abd-Allāh b. ‘Umar). This copy has numerous notes transcribed on the margins. The names of the surahs (chapters) are written on the left top corner of each page.

Frontispiece illuminated with gold.

Dates: undated (extant by 16th cent. C.E.)

التّخبیر في علوم التّفسیر al-Takhbīr fī 'ulūm al-tafsīr, undated copy (original text composed 15th cent. C.E.)

Identifier: Or Ms 384
Scope and Contents

A fragment of Abū al-Faḍl Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭi al-Shāf'ī's (d. 911 A.H., 1505-06 C.E.) work on the sciences of Qur'ānic exegesis, composed 872 A.H. (1467-1468 C.E.) and afterwards included in his most famous work al-Itiqān fī 'ulūm al-Qur'ān. It is divided into eighty sections. The present copy (54 folios in total) breaks abruptly off already in the eighteenth.

Dates: undated copy (original text composed 15th cent. C.E.)