Islamic law
Found in 23 Collections and/or Records:
‘Abd Allah ibn Mahmud al-Mawsili. Al-Ikhtiyar li-ta’lil al-Mukhtar fi al-furu, Late 9th century A.H. , Late 15th century A.D.
The writer was born in Mosul in AH 599 / 1202 AD, and lectured in Baghdad. This is his well-known treatise on Islamic Hanafi law.
Manuscripts of the Islamicate World and South Asia
الاشباه والنظائر الفقهیه علی مذهب الحنفیه al-Ashbāh wa-al-naḍā'ir al-fiqhiyyah 'alá madhhab al-Ḥanafiyyah, undated copy (original text composed 16th cent. C.E.)
A work on the Ḥanafī school of Islamic jurisprudence (includīng tenets and practice). The author is described as Zayn b. Najīm al-Ḥanafī, whose full name, as mentioned in other works, is Zain al-'Ābidīn b. Ibrāhīm b. Najīm al-Miṣrī (d. 969 or 970 A.H., 1561 or 1562 C.E.).
الهداية في الفروع al-Hidāyah fī al-furū‘, undated copy (original text composed 12th cent. C.E.)
The last part of Shaykh Burhān al-Din Abū al-Hasan ‘Alī b. Abī Bakr b. ‘Abd al-Jalīl al-Marghīnānī's (d. 593 A.H., 1197 C.E.) famous work on Ḥanafī law.
الهداية في الفروع ‘al-Hidāyah fī al-furū, undated copy (original text composed 12th cent. C.E.)
An incomplete copy of a well-known work on Ḥanafī law by Shaykh Burhān al-Dīn ‘Alī b. Abī Bakr al-Marghīnānī (d. 593 A.H., 1197 C.E.).
ترجمة عقيدة اهل السنة Tarjumat ‘aqīdat ahl al-sunnah, undated copy (original text composed 11-12th cent. C.E.)
A short treatise on advice to the people on the principles of religion by al-Imām Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Ghazālī, entitled "Ḥujjat al-Islām Zayn al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī'" (d. 505 A.H., 1111 C.E.).
جامع الرموز Jāmi‘ al-rumūz, undated copy (original text composed 16th cent. C.E.)
A complete commentary on the Wiqāyat al-Hidāyah of ‘Ubayd-Allāh b. Maḥmūd b. Maḥmūd al-Maḥbūbī, also known as "Ṣadr al-Sharī‘ah", who lived in the seventh century of the ḥijrah. The author of the commentary is Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad Khurāsānī Quhistānī, (d. circa 950 A.H., 1543 C.E.).
شرح مفاتیح الشرائع Sharḥ Mafātīḥ al-sharā'i', 1175 A.H., 1761 C.E.
An extensive commentary upon Mafātīḥ al-sharā'i', a treatise on Islamic law by Mawlānā Muḥammad Muḥsin Kashānī (still alive in 1105 A.H.). The present work, compiled in 1090 A.H.(1679 C.E.), is by the author's nephew, Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Murtaḍá, known as al-Raḍī.
This commentary is in two volumes, OR MS 11 and 12.
شرح مفاتیح الشرائع Sharḥ Mafātīḥ al-sharā'i', 1175 A.H., 1761 C.E.
An extensive commentary upon Mafātīḥ al-sharā'i', a treatise on Islamic law, by Mawlānā Muḥammad Muḥsin Kashānī (still alive in 1105 A.H.). The present work, compiled in 1090 A.H. (1679 C.E.), is by the author's nephew, Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Murtaḍá, known as al-Raḍī.
This commentary is in two volumes, OR MS 11 and 12.