Found in 21 Collections and/or Records:
Blessings and curses, 1891
List of about 55 Gaelic curses probably from Uist.
Charm entitled 'Eolas Beum Sula' [actually 'Mallachd'], c1870
Charm entitled 'Eolas Beum Sula' [Exorcism of the Eye] but the text corresponds with 'Mallachd' or 'A Malediction' as found in Carmina Gadelica, vol. II. The charm begins 'Thainig di[th]ist a mach a dorust na cathrach neomh' and a note states that Colum Cille [St Columba] was able to heal men and animals.
Curse beginning 'Fo mhollac nam ban fo thabhan nan con', June 1887
Curse beginning 'Fo mhollac[hd] nam ban fo thabhan nan con', S fo shuibh na ard-dorus droch ghui.' The text has been scored through as if transcribed elsewhere.
Curse beginning 'Sgath na Nathrach ort a bheist', 1892
Curse beginning 'Sgath na Nathrach ort a bheist' and reportedly said by one woman to a pregnant woman, who died along with her child. Text has been scored through as if transcribed elsewhere.
Curse entitled 'Guidhe', c1890
Curse entitled 'Guidhe' [Ulc a Dhèan Mo Lochd or The Wicked Who Would Harm Me] beginning 'Cas an cois gach ursa, Bas am bun gach cailbhe.' The text is in ink and has been scored through in pencil as if transcribed elsewhere.
Custom relating to 'La nam Bannag' and accompanying song, 17 January 1874
Fragment of a story entitled 'Luideag na h Aibhine', 1901
Fragment of a story entitled 'Luideag na h Aibhine' in which a man ties a woman up in front of his house but she escapes and curses him. The story probably originated in Gearrloch [Geàrrloch/Gairloch, Ros is Cromba/Ross and Cromarty] although it is likely to have been collected on the Isle of Barra/Barraigh. Text has been scored through.
List of maledictions and accompanying note, 1894
List of maledictions including 'Geolaich ort', 'Ballachd ort' and 'Clisgeadh ort' and accompanying note which reads 'The teaching of the 12 in bapt[ising] in run[nin]g streams = 7 siona from 7 streams.' The text has been scored through in ink as if transcribed elsewhere.
Note about a curse on Loch Treig, 1 October 1890
Note collected from Isabella MacIntosh née Kennedy, aged 69, Inbhir Ruaidh/Inverroy, Siorramachd Inbhir Nis/Inverness-shire that a witch put a curse on Loch Treig and [so there are no animals there]. Text has been scored through in pencil as if transcribed elsewhere.
Note about 'evil' and 'cain' [càin] being put on cattle, 29 August 1883
Note possibly collected from Donald MacColl, foxhunter, Glencreran, Earra Ghàidheal/Argyllshire, about 'evil' and 'cain' [càin] being put on twenty cows with calves.