Animal feeding
Found in 273 Collections and/or Records:
Growth in mice after selection on maize-milk diets, 1974
Located in A.B.R.O. Reprints 1973 - 1974. Volume 8 of 19.
Growth of broilers given diets containing field beans (Vicia faba L.) during the 0 to 4 week, 1970
Located in Poultry Research Centre Staff Papers 1970.
Growth of broilers on diets containing field beans (Vicia faba L.), 1968
Located in Poultry Research Centre Staff Papers 1968.
Growth of twin cattle fed in proportion to body weight, 1983
Located in A.B.R.O. Reprints 1983. Volume 17 of 19.
Haematological changes associated with food-related oral lesions in Brown Leghorn hens, 1989
Located in I.A.P.G.R-E.R.S. Staff Papers 1989. Part 1 and Index.
Haematology and histopathology of seven-week-old broilers after early food restriction, 1991
Located in I.A.P.G.R-E.R.S. Staff Papers 1991. Part 2.
How closely do circulating blood glucose levels reflect feeding state in fowls?, 1987
Located in I.A.P.G.R-E.R.S. Staff Papers 1987. Part 1 and Index.
"In the Velvet", 1870s-1930s
Photograph of three reindeer summer browsing and, "in the velvet", which refers to their growing antlers, near Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska in the early 20th century.
Inferior Feeder [Cow], 1870s-1930s
Photograph of a cow in a paddock that the text notes is an 'inferior feeder that gained but 80 pounds in four months as marketed' in the early/mid 20th century.
Influence of a period of 'freeze-feeding' on behaviour of growing layer pullets, 1992
Located in I.A.P.G.R-E.R.S. Staff Papers 1992. Part 2.