Animal feeding
Found in 273 Collections and/or Records:
Voluntary food intake in relation to body weight among British breeds of cattle, 1986
Located in I.A.P.G.R-E.R.S. Staff Papers 1986. Part 2.
Voluntary food intake of cattle differing in breed size in a time-controlled feeding system, 1987
Located in I.A.P.G.R-E.R.S. Staff Papers 1987. Part 2.
Voluntary regulation of food intake, 1993
Located in Roslin Institute Staff Papers 1993. Part 2.
Water most valuable - and cheapest - food for poultry, 17 December 1959
Located in Poultry Research Centre Staff Papers 1958-61.
We will have to know more about turkey nutrition, October 1988
Located in I.G.A.P. Staff Papers 1987-1989.
Welfare of broiler and layer pullets subject to restricted feeding and limited access to water, 1992
Located in I.A.P.G.R-E.R.S. Staff Papers 1992. Part 1 and Index.
Wheat as a component in poultry diets, 1992
Located in I.A.P.G.R-E.R.S. Staff Papers 1992. Part 2.
White Clover is Valuable in Permanent Pastures, 1870s-1930s
Photograph of a herd of cattle standing in a clover pasture with a barn in the background in the early 20th century.
Wolff's Food Standards, 1870s-1930s
Table of Wolff's food standards showing the variations of the age of cattle and oxen and their live weight based upon what they eat (dry organic matter, digestible abluninoids, fats and carbohydrates).
Woman Feeding Chickens [South Africa], 1870s-1930s
Photograph of a woman pouring grain from a bowl into a basket on the ground for the chickens in a farmyard in [South Africa] in the early 20th century.