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Expositio in Libros Posteriorum Aristotelis by Paul of Venice, 15th century

Identifier: MS 118


This manuscript contains Expositio in Libros Posteriorum Aristotelis by Paul of Venice (1369–1429), a scholastic philosopher, logician, theologian of the Hermits of the Order of Saint Augustine. The Expositio in Libros Posteriorum Aristotelis is a commentary on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics that deals with the problems of logic and argumentation.


Book I: the text starts on f. 1r with the following words: Omnis doctrina et omnis disciplina, etc. Iste est liber posteriorum AR. And ends on f. 72r with the following words: quod si fuerit innata, etc. Et sic explicit commentum magistri pauli de veneciis super primum librum posteriorum AR. Deo gracias.

Book II: the text starts on f. 72v with the following words: Questiones sunt equales numero hiis quecumque vere scimus. Iste est secundo liber posteriorum AR. And ends on f. 107r with the following words: valeamus vitam sempiternam et gloriam. Amen. Deo gracias. Et sic explicit commentum Magistri Pauli Veneti super libris posteriorum domini AR. per me P+G.


The script is italic, small and neat, quotations from the original being in a large black Gothic script.


Each of the two books has a floriated initial in blue, lake, green, vermilion, and pale yellow, with branching foliage springing from it. There is an illumination of a dragon fighting a goat, which probably belonged to a coat of arms, on the lower margin of f. 1r.


  • Creation: 15th century


Language of Materials


Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open to all. The manuscripts can be consulted in the Centre for Research Collections, Edinburgh University Main Library.


1 bound MS volume

Custodial History

The script and illumination are Italian in type. Unfortunately the coat of arms on the lower margin of f. 1r has been too much cropped to be identified. An inscription on f. 1r, in a 17th century hand, has been partially restored, and reads: Est conventus S. Bartholomei Ba [. . .] ff. Heremitarum Ordinis S. Angustini (Belongs to the convent of Saint Bartholomew Ba [. . .] of the Hermits of the Order of Saint Augustine). The paper label may be by the same hand. About this date also are the bibliographical notes added at the end. The scribe gives his initials in the colophon: P+G.

Previous title

Title given to the manuscript in Catherine Borland’s catalogue: Pauli Veneti, Commentum super Aristotelis llbris posteriorum.

Previous reference

D. b. II. 9.

Physical Facet

Material: Paper

Binding: Modern, labelled '109. Paul Veneti Commentaria super lib. posteriorum Aristotelis Cartavo Secolo xiv.'

Collation: a9, b10-k10, l8=107.


32.70 cm x 23.17 cm


Secundo folio: ars est recta

Foliation and number of lines to a page: ff. 107, double columns, 50-54 lines to a page.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Edinburgh Library Heritage Collections Repository

Centre for Research Collections
University of Edinburgh Main Library
George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LJ Scotland
+44(0)131 650 8379