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Collectarium (Cistercian), 14th century

Identifier: MS 29


The manuscript is a 14th century Collectarium. The collectarium is a book that contains Collects, which are short general prayers of a particular structure used in Christian liturgy. This version originated in Italy; a Perugian provenance is clearly indicated, with Sienese connections. It is also specifically Cistercian.

The Kalendar starts on f.1r.

In the Kalendar, the distinctively Cistercian marks are: 10 January: Viliemi [i.e.Guillelmi] (Bishop) C, xii lc.; 11 January: Commemoratio Episcoporum et Abbatum (Commemoration of Bishops and Abbots, in red); 16 February: Juliana (Virgin Martyr), xii lc. (in red); 20 April: Robert C, xii lc. (in red); 30 April: Petri (martyr), xii lc.; 8 May: Petri (Bishop), xii lc. (in red); 20 May: Commemoratio omnium defunctorum ordinis nostri (commemoration of the masses for all the dead of our order) [inserted]; 13 July: Obiit Reverendus pater bone memorie dominus Johannes et Sancte Rufine Episcopus et fundator (in red); 19 July: Margarete (Virgin Martyr) [inserted] (in red); 11 August: Festum Sancte Corone Domini (Feast of the Holy Crown) xii lc.; 20 August: Bernard (Abbot), xii lc. (in red); 19 September: Sequanus (abbot); 5 November: Malachy (Bishop), xii lc.; 16 November: Edmumli (bishop) xii lc.; 20 November: Commemoratio parentum nostrorum (commemoration of our parents). All these are also in the Sanctorale.

Other distinctive names are: 29 January: Constantius (Bishop of Perugia, martyr), xii lc. (in red); 1 March: the Translation feast of Herculane (Bishop of Perugia, martyr), xii lc. (in red); 7 November: the Beheading of Herculane, xii lc. [inserted]; 7 March: Thome C. of the Order of Preachers [inserted, canonised 1323]; 19 May: Yvonis Pbr. C. [inserted, canonised 1347]; 25 August: Translation of B. Juliana (Virgin Martyr), xii lc. [inserted] (in red); 1 September: Octave B. Juliana (Virgin Martyr), xii. lc. [inserted] (in red); 3 December: Galganus of Siena C, xii lc. (in red) . None of these last appeared in the original Sanctorale. Saint Yvo, Saint Anne and Saint Juliana are inserted in the Commune Sanctorum, and Capitula and Collects for Saint Malachy, Saint Galganus, and Saint Juliana are added at the end.

The Proprium de Tempore starts on f.7r. This section contains liturgical texts for days that have special Masses or Offices (e.g. prayers, lessons).

The Proprium Sanctorum starts on f.52r. This section contains the Offices of the Saints. In this version, Collects for Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint Anne are added.

The Commune Sanctorum starts on f.86r. The Commune Sanctorum, or Common of Saints, is part of the liturgy that consists of texts concerned with categories of saints, such as apostles or martyrs.

The In Dedicatione Ecclesie (Dedication of a Church) starts on f.95r.

The Orationes votivae (vows) start on f.96r. In this version, feminine forms are added to some of these.

The Litany starts on f.97v. The litany is a series of petitions for use in church services or processions, usually involving recitation by clergy and response by others. This Litany is not very distinctively Cistercian. Saint Anastasia and Saint Benedict are doubly honoured. The Suffrages are individual and masculine, Ut spiritum famuli tui in sinu Abrahe recipi jubeas, etc.

The Service of the Dead starts on f.100r.

The Orationes votivae continue on f.106r.

The Benedictiones in lectionibus starts on f.107r. This section contains blessings in lections, or lessons from scripture.

The Prayers start on f.108v. These include one starting In anniversario episcoporum et abbatum ordinis nostri and one starting In anniversario Domini Honorii Pape in [1216] et Riccardi regis [1257] et al que regum. There is also one containing Pro patre et matre, which has been inserted.

The Gospel for the Sermo Domini Ceremony of Maundy Thursday starts on f.109r.

The Service Pro presenti defuncto [sic] starts on f.113v. This service to the deceased was written for a woman.

The Collects for Saint Malachy and Saint Juliana start on f.116r. They have been inserted.

The Tables of Golden Numbers, Epacts, etc. start on f.116v.

The Chapter and Collect for Saint Galganus (inserted), with two Collects for Saint Juliana and one for Saint Nicholas start on f.117v.

There is one fly-leaf at the start and one at the end. Both these, and the back of the front and back boards feature a choral composition.


A good Italian Gothic script with rubrics and red, blue, and purple filigree initials. The initial at the beginning, probably an illuminated one, has been removed, but part of the border remains. There are certain additions at the end by later hands.


  • Creation: 14th century

Language of Materials


Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open to all. The manuscripts can be consulted in the Centre for Research Collections, Edinburgh University Main Library.


1 bound MS volume

Custodial History

This is a Cistercian book on the evidence of Kalendar and Sanctorale (see 'Scope and Contents for the distinctively Cistercian marks).

A Perugian provenance is clearly indicated, with Sienese connections. The significance of the obit of John of Toledo (13 July), an English Cistercian who became Bishop of Porto and Santa Rufina in 1262, is not quite clear. The addition of the feminine forms in the prayers and of several female saints, notably Saint Juliana, throughout, seem to point to its later sojourn in a Cistercian nunnery. It does not appear in the first instance to have been written for nuns.

There is one later signature on the end fly-leaf, Dominus Fabritius Bariilla [?] confessor vidit [?] 1678 [or 1628]. A sale entry pasted on the inner board gives the price as £3, 3s.

Previous reference

Laing 25


Dickson, Gary. ‘Master John of Toledo (Tolet) the "Albus Cardinalis" (d. 1275) in Perusia; St Juliana’s head; and a mid-fourteenth-century calendar from Santa Giuliana di Perusia in the University of Edinburgh Library (EUL MS 29).' Bollettino della Deputazione di Storia Patria per l'Umbria. Vol. 18 (1984): 25-75.
Also appears in Dickson, Gary. Religious Enthusiasm in the Medieval West: Revivals, Crusades, Saints Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2000.

Physical Facet

Material: Vellum.

Binding: Oak boards covered smooth leather, marks of 5 bosses on either side, 2 straps gone, entitled (modern paper slip inserted onto binding): 'Horae Diurnae' (canonical hours)

Collation: a6, b10, c12-i12, k8, l9=117


25.4 cm x 17.78 cm


Secundo folio: text doctrinam

Foliation and number of lines to a page: ff. 117, 19 lines to a page

Repository Details

Part of the University of Edinburgh Library Heritage Collections Repository

Centre for Research Collections
University of Edinburgh Main Library
George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LJ Scotland
+44(0)131 650 8379