Social Work
Found in 30 Collections and/or Records:
Minutes of the SHRG Edinburgh Befriending Sub-Group, 14 Aug 1979
Minutes of the SHRG Edinburgh Befriending Sub-Group, 18 Sep 1979
Topics covered include: memberships; selection and training; social work grant; report from the Working Party looking in to the Gay Centre; and matters arising from calls.
A financial breakdown of the Social Work Grant Application is also provided.
Minutes of the SHRG Edinburgh Befriending Sub-Group , 16 Oct 1979
Topics covered include: membership updates; selection and training; social work grant; Working Party report into the Gay Centre; and a proposed National Befriending Committee.
Minutes of the SHRG Edinburgh Befriending Sub-Group, 11 Dec 1979
Topics covered include: membership updates; expenditure plans; grant from the Social Work Department; Working Party recommendations; update on the National Working Party on Befriending; and discussion of new befriending pamphlet.
Minutes of the SHRG National Executive Committee Meeting, 7 Mar 1981
Minutes of the SMG Edinburgh Befriending Committee, 9 Jul 1974
Topics discussed include: the change of befriending phone number; the Samaritans annual general meeting; a letter sent from Befriending Committee to the Director of Social Work in Edinburgh; a collection received from the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE) conference; an update on the SMG's Encounter Group; an advice sheet for befrienders; and the discussion of a circular from a member of Friend.
Papers of Megan Browne
SHRG Befriending Report for 1980, 4 Feb 1981
SHRG Edinburgh Befriending Team Minutes, Oct 1982
SHRG Edinburgh Befriending Team Minutes, 15 Mar 1983
Topics discussed include: an update on the Christmas Hypermarket arranged by the Edinburgh Council of Social Services; management of the Gay Centre; a forthcoming grant; the constitution of the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group; training; election of office bearers; and membership updates.