Found in 159 Collections and/or Records:
Team Photo[graph]s, 1970s - 2000s
Photographs of Switchboard members attending events and conferences.
The Pink Paper Issue 803, 29 Aug 2003
A collection of newspaper and magazine cuttings covering issues relating to the LGBTQ+ community.
Articles cover local, national and international news, however Scottish publications have the strongest representation with Edinburgh and Glasgow based publications being a specific strength within this sub-series.
The Scottish Physical Education Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1-2 October 1993
Typescript (incomplete) titled 'The Application of Science to Promote Greater Output in the P[rest missing]', 1953
This paper is a summary of a paper read by Alan Greenwood at the West of Scotland Agricultural College Poultry Conference, Auchincruive, 29 May 1953.
The top right hand corner of the page is missing.
Typescript titled 'A Possible Connection Between the Rous I Sarcoma Virus and Fowl Paralysis' by Alan Greenwood and J.G Carr (2 copies), 1951
The title page notes: 'paper read at the World's Poultry Science Association Conference: Paris, August 1951.'
Typescript titled 'Chick Producers' Association Conference - Eastbourne 5th October 1955', 1955
Also contains a joint paper by Alan Greenwood and J.G Carr.
Typescript titled 'Is the 2oz Egg Too Large as a Commercial Standard?', 1948
Title page annotated 'Blackpool N.A.B conference, July 14th 1948.'
View from the conference, January 1995
Located in Roslin Institute Staff Papers 1995. Part 2.
Visit of the 9th European Poultry Conference to Roslin Institute, September 1994
Located in Roslin Institute Staff Papers 1994. Part 2.