Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Arabic
Found in 14 Collections and/or Records:
Arabic / Latin Dictionary, undated (original text compiled 17th cent. C.E.)
Fragments, 15th(?)-19th centuries
Manuscripts of the Islamicate World and South Asia
الصّحاح في الّلغة al-Ṣahah fī al-lughah, 667 A.H., 1269 C.E.
A splendid old copy of the famous Arabic Lexicon of Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī, Muslim philosopher and polymath of the 4th century A.H./ 10th century C.E.
الصراح من الصحاح al-Ṣurah min al-ṣaḥah (volume 1), 1227-1230 A.H., 1812-1815 C.E.
A dictionary of Arabic words explained in Persian, being a translation (completed, 681 A.H., 1282 C.E.) of the famous Arabic dictionary entitled al-Ṣaḥah, of Abū Naṣr Ismā'il b. Ḥammād Jawharī, d. 398 A.H., 1007 C.E.), by Abū al-Faz̤l Muḥammad b. 'Umar b. Khālid, commonly called "Jamāl al-Qurashī." The work is across two volumes, Or Ms 139 and 140.
الصراح من الصحاح al-Ṣurah min al-ṣaḥah (volume 2), 1227-1230 A.H., 1812-1815 C.E.
A dictionary of Arabic words explained in Persian, being a translation (completed, 681 A.H., 1282 C.E.) of the famous Arabic dictionary entitled al-Ṣaḥah, of Abū Naṣr Ismā'il b. Ḥammād Jawharī, d. 398 A.H., 1007 C.E.), by Abū al-Faz̤l Muḥammad b. 'Umar b. Khālid, commonly called "Jamāl al-Qurashī." The work is across two volumes, OR MS 139 and 140.
تاج المصادر وتاج الاسامي Tāj al-maṣādir wa-tāj al-asāmī, 842 A.H., 1438 C.E.
A dictionary of Arabic nouns and infinitives, including their derivations and equivalents in Persian by Abū Ja'far Aḥmad b. 'Alī Maqrī Bayḥaqī (nicknamed Ja'farak), d. 544 A.H. (1159 C.E.). It is stated by the author that this work refers in the first place to the Qur'ān, next to the traditions, and finally to ancient poetry.
حیاة الحیوان Ḥayāt al-Ḥayawān, 805 A.H., 1402 C.E.
A famous zoological dictionary, but it is something more. The work contains chapters on the history of the Arab rulers, on religion and law, annotations on the Qur'ān and dissertations on science, poetry, diction, etc. The author was Kamāl al-Dīn Muḥammad b. Mūsá b. 'Īsá b. 'Alī al-Damīrī (d. 808 A.H., 1406 C.E.), who compiled it in 773 A.H. (1371 C.E.).
شمس العلوم و دواء کلام العرب من الکلوم Shams al-'ulūm wa dawā' kalām al-Arab min al-kulūm, undated copy (original text composed 12th cent. C.E.)
فقه اللغات Fiqh al-lughāt, undated copy (original text composed 11th cent. C.E.)
This is an Arabic glossary arranged according to subjects, by Abū Mansūr 'Abd al-Malik b. Muḥammad b. Ismā'īl al-Tha'ālibī (d. 429 A.H., 1037 C.E.).