Prescriptive texts for the education of the nuns, c. 1560
The three texts which follow the Rule of Saint Benedict were probably intended to complement the Rule itself, as they lay out additional prescriptions regarding the life of the nuns in the convent. Since the hand is the same of the first text, they might have been conceived as unit and therefore copied together, but in this case the scribe has not left any indication.
Ten Commandments: start on f. 23r. They are introduced by the rubric Incominciano li dieci commandamenti della legge data da Dio a Moise, all'osservanza de quali ciascun fedel Christiano è tenuto. Il primo de quali è questo and begin with the words Unum cole Deum; they end on f. 24v with the words ma debbi esser contenta del suo bene come del tuo medesimo.
Apostles' Creed: start on f. 24v. The Apostles' Creed is a formula which contains the essential tenets of Christian belief. It is divided in twelve articles and each article is briefly explained. The last article is followed by a short catechism. The text is introduced by the rubric Li dodici articoli della fede: i quali debbe sapere et fermamente credere ogni fedele Christiano. De i quali il primo articolo è questo. It begins with the words Credo in Deum patrem omnipotentem creatorem celi et terre, it ends on f. 30v with the words Perdonando però al prossimo con tutto 'l cuore.
Further rules for the nuns: start on f. 31r. A list of rules that the nuns who have entered the monastery should be taught to follow. It is introduced by the rubric Ordinario d'ammaestrare le figliuole che vengono alla religione nostra. Et prima. It begins with the words Ogni persona che viene alla Religione, la sua prima intentione sia di venire per amor di Dio; it ends on f. 32v with the words et non perderanno il merito suo.
- Creation: c. 1560
Language of Materials
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The collection is open to all. The manuscripts can be consulted in the Centre for Research Collections, Edinburgh University Main Library.
10 folios
Repository Details
Part of the University of Edinburgh Library Heritage Collections Repository
Centre for Research Collections
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