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Baillie, John Baillie, of Leys, 1835-1890 (donor of the Oriental Manuscripts Collection)



John B. Baillie of Leys bequeathed 165 Arabic and Persian manuscripts - the collection of John Baillie, his grandfather - to the University Library in 1876.

Found in 167 Collections and/or Records:

Or Ms 1: أنوار التنزیل وأسرار التأویل Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-ta'wīl, undated

Identifier: Or Ms 1
Scope and Contents

A well-known commentary on the Qur'ān. The name of the author does not appear, but the commentary is known to have been compiled by Nāṣir al-Dīn 'Abd-allāh b. 'Umar al-Bayḍawī whose death date is commonly given as c. 1286 C.E. However, accordīng to the notice of his life in Kitāb al-Aqālīm, written at Tabriz 716 A.H. (1316 C.E.), Hamd-allāh Mustawfī, a contemporary, says he died in 710 A.H. (1310 C.E.).

The text of the Qur'ān is written in red ink.

Dates: undated

Or Ms 2: الاسعاف في شرح شواهد القاضي والکشّاف al-Is'āf fī sharḥ shawāhid al-qāḍī wa-al-kashshāf vol. 2, 1192 A.H., 1778 C.E.

Identifier: Or Ms 2
Scope and Contents A complete commentary on the "proof verses" of the Qur'ān, cited by Jār-allāh Maḥmud al-Zamakhsharī (d. 538 A.H., 1143 C. E.), in his commentary on the Qur'ān called al-Kashshāf, and Nāṣīr al-Dīn 'Abd-allāh b. 'Umar al-Bayḍawī in his Qur'ānic commentary. The present work was compiled by Hadr b. 'Atā-allāh (see the last verse on fol. 632b), according to a chronogram at the end of the book, in 974 A.H. (1566 C.E.). All the verses adopted by al-Zamakhsharī are inscribed in red, and those of...
Dates: 1192 A.H.; 1778 C.E.

Or Ms 3: الاسعاف في شرح شواهد القاضي والکشّاف al-Is'āf fī sharḥ shawāhid al-qāḍī wa-al-kashshāf vol. 1, 1192 A.H., 1778 C.E.

Identifier: Or Ms 3
Scope and Contents A complete commentary on the "proof verses" of the Qur'ān, cited by Jār-allāh Maḥmud al-Zamakhsharī (d. 538 A.H., 1143 C. E.), in his commentary on the Qur'ān called al-Kashshāf, and Nasīr al-Dīn 'Abd-allāh b. 'Umar al-Bayḍawī in his Qur'ānic commentary. The present work was compiled by Hadr b. 'Atā-allāh (see the last verse on fol. 6325), accordīng to a chronogram at the end of the book, in 974 A.H. (1566 C.E.). All the verses adopted by al-Zamakhsharī are inscribed in red,and those of...
Dates: 1192 A.H.; 1778 C.E.

Or Ms 4: االجامع الصحیح al-Jāmi' al-ṣaḥīḥ, 1109 A.H., 1697 C.E.

Identifier: Or Ms 4
Scope and Contents

Collection of traditions of the Prophet Muḥammad by 'Abd-allāh Muḥammad b. Ismā'īl al-Bukhārī (d. 256 A.H., 869 C.E.). The work is preceded by a complete index.

Dates: 1109 A.H.; 1697 C.E.

Or Ms 5: الدر النشیر (ملخص کتاب النهایة في غریب الحدیث) al-Durr al-nashīr (mulkhkhaṣ Kitāb al-nihāyah fī gharīb al-ḥadīth), 907 A.H., 1501 C.E.

Identifier: Or Ms 5
Scope and Contents This is an abridged form of the Kitāb al-nihāyah fī gharīb al-ḥadīs, a dictionary to the Traditions.The abridgement was made by Jalāl al-Dīn 'Abd al-Raḥmān Suyūṭī in 907 A.H., 1501 C.E., about four years before his death; al-Nihāyah itself was written by Majd al-Dīn Abū Sa'ādah Mubārak b. Abū al-Karam al-Jazarī, commonly known as Ibn al-Ashīr (d. 606 A.H., 1209 C.E.). The work also includes Suyūṭī's comments upon his...
Dates: 907 A.H.; 1501 C.E.

Or Ms 6: نهج البلاغة Nahj al-balāghah, undated copy (original text composed 10th or 11th cent. C.E.)

Identifier: Or Ms 6
Scope and Contents

A collection of the speeches, mandates, educational works, wise sayings, and sermons of 'Alī b. Abī Ṭalib, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muḥammad, and First Imām of Shi'i Islam. It was compiled by al-Sharīf al-Raḍī Abū al-Ḥasan Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn b. Mūsá (d.406 A.H., 1015 C.E.).

Dates: undated copy (original text composed 10th or 11th cent. C.E.)

Or Ms 7: شرح نهج البلاغة Sharḥ Nahj al-balāghah, undated copy (original text composed 13th cent. C.E.)

Identifier: Or Ms 7
Scope and Contents

An elaborate commentry on Nahj al-balāghah (a collection of the speeches, mandates, educational works, wise sayings, and sermons of 'Alī b. Abī Ṭalib, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muḥammad, and First Imām of Shi'i Islam). This commentary is by the celebrated 'Abd al-Ḥamīd b. Hibat-allāh, b. Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Abī al-Ḥadīd (d. 655 A.H., 1257 C.E.).

Dates: undated copy (original text composed 13th cent. C.E.)

Or Ms 8: غرر الحکم ودررالکلم Ghurar al-ḥikam wa-durar al-kalim, 1023 A.H., 1614 C.E.

Identifier: Or Ms 8
Scope and Contents

A collection of the numerous wise sayings of 'Alī b. Abī Ṭalib, cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muḥammad, and First Imām of Shi'i Islam). The apothegms were gathered and arranged by 'Abd al-Waḥīd b. Muḥammad b. 'Abd al-Waḥīd Amīdī Tamīmī in the sixth century A.H..

Dates: 1023 A.H.; 1614 C.E.

Or Ms 9: کنز الدقائق Kanz al-daqā'iq, undated copy (original text composed 13th or 14th cent. C.E.)

Identifier: Or Ms 9
Scope and Contents

A work on Ḥanafī Law, by Abū al-Barakāt 'Abd-allāh b. Aḥmad b. Maḥmūd al-Nasafī (d. 710 A.H., 1310 C.E.). It is an abridgement of his al-Wāfī. This manuscript has been annotated in places in English. The annotations appear to be a reader's notes, translations and interpretations of the meanings of certain sections of the Arabic text. The hand appears to be that of John Baillie.

Dates: undated copy (original text composed 13th or 14th cent. C.E.)

Or Ms 35: مغنی اللبیب عن کتب الاعاریب Mughnī al-labīb 'an kutub al-a'ārīb, undated copy (original text composed 14th cent. C.E.)

Identifier: Or Ms 35
Scope and Contents

A famous treatise on grammar, by Jamāl al-Dīn 'Abd-allāh b. Yūsuf b. Hishām al-Anṣārī (d. 761 A.H., 1359 C.E.).

Dates: undated copy (original text composed 14th cent. C.E.)