Compilation manuscripts
Found in 149 Collections and/or Records:
Royal Letter Book, late 14th-early 15th century, c 1335-c 1417 (dates of the original letters)
Specimens of calligraphic styles of writing, 1570-1624 (approximate)
Works by Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pope Pius II), late 15th century
اسکندر نامهٔ برّی Iskandar-nāmah-i barrī, undated copy (original text composed 13th cent. C.E.)
السلام والدرود al-Salām w-al-durūd, undated
A collection of fourteen different salutations and ninety-five blessings on the Prophet Muḥammad. Only the last word is altered, otherwise the wording of the various sentences remains unchanged.
انتظام راج اعظم گڙه Intiẓām-i Rāj-i A‘ẓamgaṛh, undated (original text compiled 19th cent. C.E.)
انشای هرکرن Inshā-i Harkarn, 1182 A.H., 1768 C.E.
Models of various kinds of correspondence by Harkarn, son of the Mathurā-Dās Kanbū Multānī, whom Mughal ruler Jahāngīr (r. 1605-1627 C.E.) had appointed Ṣūbahdūr, or governor, of Akbarābād (Agra) during 1031-1032 A.H., 1621-1622 C.E.
تاريخ گزيده Ta'rīkh-i Guzīdah, undated copy (original text extant by 17th cent. C.E.)
A general history from the earliest times to 730 A.H. (1329 C.E.), the year, as it is stated in the preface, when it was compiled by Ḥamd-allāh b. 'Abī Bakr b. Aḥmad b. Naṣr Mustawfī Qazvīnī (d. 750 A.H., 1349 C.E.).
ترجمة عقيدة اهل السنة Tarjumat ‘aqīdat ahl al-sunnah, undated copy (original text composed 11-12th cent. C.E.)
A short treatise on advice to the people on the principles of religion by al-Imām Muḥammad b. Muḥammad al-Ghazālī, entitled "Ḥujjat al-Islām Zayn al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī'" (d. 505 A.H., 1111 C.E.).
تعبير خواب نامه Ta‘bīr-i khāb-nāmah, undated
A book on the interpretation of dreams ascribed to the Prophet Yūsuf.
One of the manuscripts with which the present ms. is bound, Or. Ms. 308, is dated 1066 A.H. (1655 C.E.) and bears the name of the scribe Murtaẓá Qulī Qazvīnī.