Found in 141 Collections and/or Records:
Note about 'Creag an Fhithich' and vocabulary note, 18 September 1909
Note about 'Creag an Fhithich' describing a rock with writing on the north end which has not been deciphered. It also describes two deep caves, one of which is inaccessible and the other 'had been liven in - full of shells'. The vocabulary note reads 'Scrot = Shelf in rock'. Text has been scored through as if transcribed elsewhere.
Note about Creag an Fhreacadain, August 1883
Note that Creag an Fhreacadain is on Inver-na-hyle [Inbhir na h-Aighle/Invernahyle, Earra Ghàidheal/Argyllshire].
Note about Croc-Coinein, 1867
Note collected from Roderick MacNeil, aged 88, crofter, Miùghlaigh/Mingulay about Croc-Coinein [or Cnoc Conain], that old houses stood there, that it is a 'sandy rocky stony place covered with sea-holly' and describing the colour of the sea-holly.
Note about Croc sneacaig, September 1870
Note about Croc sneacaig [Cnoc Sneachdach, Lios Mòr/Lismore, Earra Ghàidheal/Argyllshire] that it is a carn iobairt, on a hill in Fiart, close to which is a cist, and that there is another one on top of Achananard [Achadh nan Àird].
Note about deer horns and roots found on Tarasaigh/Taransay, 8 July 1870
Note about deer horns and roots found on Tarasaigh/Taransay including that the deer horns were very large at twelve feet, that Mr Ran[ald] MacDonald had seen moss and roots of trees at low water mark below the houses on the island and that 'Toots of trees are on the tops of the hills here.'
Note about Dun Buidhe, 27 March 1872
Note about Dùn Buidhe, Lochdruidebig [Loch Druidibeag/Loch Druidibeg, Uibhist a Deas/South Uist] that it is situated in the part of the loch known as Loch Ruaival [Loch Ruabhal], that it is an artificial isle of round stones with brambles growing there. The loch is two or three fathoms deep while the isle is thirty yards in diameter. An oblong hollow is described as the site of a house possibly called Clachan Lainginis [text is unclear].
Note about duns in Harris and on the placename 'Piocair', c1872
Note about Eilean an Du-chonnaidh, March 1874
Note about Eilean an Du-chonnaidh, that is used to be an island and was seen by men still alive as such, that it is 'now a strand with two pyramidal remnants of moss standing over the clam shingle near Creagorry - between the point of Aird an eoin and Hacleit' [Creag Ghoraidh, Àrd-an-eoin and Haclait/Hacklet all Beinn na Faoghla/Benbecula]. 'Du-chonnaidh' is described as fresh or green brush wood.
Note about Gaisgeir, 9 July 1870
Note about Gaisgeir [Gàisgeir/Gasker] that it is a small island where about thirty ewes are kept as they thrive on the many plants that grow there describing the sheep as 'extra fat weigh 80 90 & 100 lbs'. Lambs are often taken from there to Tarasaigh/Taransay but 'they wither & die'.
Note about Garradh nan Cleireach and the school on Lios Mòr/Lismore, 2 September 1870
Note about Garradh nan Cleireach [Garadh nan Clèireach] and the school on Lios Mòr/LismoreLios Mòr/Lismore, Earra Ghàidheal/Argyllshire that the former was in 'Kil [possibly Killandrist] is sur[rounded] by a garatot [garadh tobhta]' and that the original school was at one time about seven acres and also had land in Bailegarbh.